Changing Worksheet Appearance
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Student Objectives: Change column width; Position text within a cell by wrapping, rotating, indenting, and aligning; Change the appearance of cells using fonts, styles, colors, and borders; Designate the format of a cell to accommodate different kinds of text and numerical data.

When data is wider than the column, Excel responds by doing one of the following:
1) Displaying a series of number signs (####) in the cell.
2) Cutting off the data to the right.
3) Letting the data run outside the column.
4) Converting the data to a different numerical form.

In what ways can a column widen?
1) Columns widen by:
a) dragging the column lines to the right,
b) by double-clicking the column line (this adjusts to the longest entry or best fit), 
c) manually setting the column width using the
Format, Column, then Width command, or by
d) choosing Format, Column, then AutoFit Selection (this adjusts to the longest entry in the column or cell or best fit.)

What command is most used in Microsoft Excel?
1) The Format, Cells command.
2) It can also be accessed by right-clicking in a cell and choosing Format Cells from the shortcut menu.
3) It is most used because it contains several commands with one click of a button.  The user can perform alignment, borders, patterns, font change, and number change formats.

What is AutoFit or Best Fit?
1) When Excel automatically lengthens out the column border out to the longest character in the column by double-clicking the column border line.

What is wrapping text within a cell is.....?
1) When text that is too long for the cell spills over into next cell, it should be wrapped. Using wrapped text will automatically adjust to show all the lines of text. It begins a new line within a cell.
2) Command: Format, Cells, Alignment Tab, Wrap Text, (Choose either Horizontal or Vertical)

What is rotated text and how is it used?
1) It is displays text at an angle.  It is used when column headings are longer than the data in the columns.
2) Command: Format, Cells, Alignment tab, then Orientation box (click the degree point and drag the angle indicator)

What is indented text and how is it used?
1) Indented text within cells help distinguish categories or set apart text.
2) It also moves the text several spaces to the right. You can indent text in a cell up to 16 levels.
3) Command: Press the Increase or Decrease Indent button/icon.

How can text or numbers be aligned?
1) Remember, alignment is the position of text within a document or worksheet.
2) Text can be aligned to the:
a) Left (this is the default for text): It begins text on the left side of the cell.
b) Right: Begins the text on the right side of the cell. (all numbers are defaulted to the right)
c) Centered: Places the text in the middle of the cell. (Column headings are usually centered).
d) Merge and Centered: Merges multiple cells into one cell and places the text in the middle of the merged cell. (This creates a title across the top of a worksheet)
3) Command: Format, Cells, Alignment
OR  pressing the alignment buttons/icons such as "Align Left", "Center", "Align Right", "Merge and Center".

How is changing the appearance of the cell's contents done?
1) The appearance of a cells contents may be changed by changing the font, size, style, color, alignment, format, and borders.
2) Command: Format, Cells, then the Font, Border or Patterns tab
OR choosing the Font and Font size buttons/icons.

How do I apply styles of the contents of a cell?
1) Applying styles means bolding, italicizing, underlining or adding emphasis to the contents of a cell.
2) To apply styles, highlight the cell or cells you want to change ad click the appropriate style button on the toolbar such as 
"B", "I", "U". 

How can emphasis be added to a cell?
1) By placing a border around the entire cell.
2) Command: Format, Cells, Border
OR the Borders button/icon on the Formatting toolbar.

What are cell formats and how are they used?
1) Cell formats affects the way data is shown in a cell.  The default format is General (used for both text and numbers)
2) A user can change cells to Currency, Accounting, Percentages, Fractions, Scientific Notations, Date, Time, etc.
3) Command: Format, Cells, Number tab, then choose a Category
OR some button/icons on the toolbar such as $, %, comma style, Increase or Decrease decimal.

How can cell formats be removed?
1) By selecting the cell or range, then choosing Edit, Clear, Formats from the menu bar.

How is an AutoFormat applied?
1) AutoFormats, automatically formats a document or worksheet with pre-formatted styles.  They are a collection of font, patterns, and alignments that can be applied to a range of data.
2) Command: Format, AutoFormat, choose your desired style.