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Media Statement 
It has been 9 days since Anwar Ibrahim was admitted to the 
Unversiti-Kebangsaan Malaysia.Hospital after it was revealed in the 
Kuala Lumpur High Court that the arsenic level in his urine was 
abnormally high. 
I was terribly distressed by this pathology report from a reputable 
laboratory in Melbourne partly because I had noticed for some time 
that my husband was losing weight and losing hair. His skin was dry 
and he had complain of numbness in his hands. Besides after the 
severe assault upon him in Bukit Aman on 20 September 1998, I had 
begun to have serious doubts about the ability of the authorities to 
ensure Anwar's well-being whether in police or prison custody. This is 
why I had brought the pathology report on Anwars arsenic level to the 
immediate attention of his lawyers 
It is my earnest hope that the results of the tests that have been 
conducted at the Universiti Kebangsaan Hospital will assure me that 
Anwar is not adversely affected by the abnormal arsenic level in his 
body. My family and I -- and Anwar's many friends and supporters -- 
pray that the tests will reveal that the arsenic level in his urine 
has now fallen to within normal range. 
I am very much aware that the team of doctors who are looking after 
Anwar are doing their very best. My family and I appreciate their 
effort It is our sincere hope that they will provide a detailed brief 
to the public on Anwars health as soon as possible 
On a related matter, the statement by Deputy Prime Minister and 
Minister of Home Affars, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that Anwar 
has not coperated with the Police in providing his hair and nail 
samples call for a response. Anwar provided all the samples that were 
required to the hospital for medical investigation as instructed by 
the court on 11 September1999. 

  • Hak mengunjung Anwar - Kak Wan
  • Bagaimana boleh 14 hari - KakWan
  • Kenyataan KakWan tentang Anwar diracun
  • Laporan Polis Anwar berkenaan diracun

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