Lilith Silverhairastrology, personality,goddess, uranian astrology, archetype, tarot, ishtar, astarte, ancient, civilizations, Stock market, anthropology, imaging, magic, witch, Artemis, prince,princess, crone queen,consulting anthropologist, Bill Kennick, goddess ,archetype,goddess,athena,pallas, Athena, Venus, Aphrodite, aphrodite, Persophone,Hecate, Persephone, horoscope, Demeter, Demeter, Juno, Hera, Hestia, Hestia, Vesta, Hestia, Psyche, Lilith, Hecate, Diana, Artemis, Diana, Moon , moon goddess,Archetypes of ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman,Jewish goddesses. Relates to Uranian astrology. Weekly forecast. Personality types delineated.

  • What Goddess Are You?
  • Finding your predominant Archetype


    Isis...the single mother (Saggitarius)

    Diana...moon wolf princess (Pisces)

    Astarte (Ishtar)...Star in her own right (Aquarius)

    Psyche...I'll go if you go with me (Libra)

    Lilith...seductress and spiderwoman (Scorpio) over her head (Gemini)

    Ceres...mother and nurturer (Cancer)

    Pallas Athena...businesswoman in a man's world (Aries)

    Juno... perfect wife and perfectly jealous (Leo)

    Vesta...the devoted spinster (Virgo)

    Venus...Goddess of love and beauty. Most admired by men (Taurus)

    Moon Mother...Big Mamma, much too big to be just one goddess

    Hecate... Crone and Witch...(Capricorn)


    Witch of Wall Street uses planets, moon, asteroids , dark moon and hypothetical planets to Time Track Stock Market Crash... Copyright by Bill Kennick, 1997.

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    Creative Genius Bill Kennick uses moon, asteroids, dark moon and hypothetical planets to Time Track your fortune... copyright Bill Kennick,1997.

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    This week's Astrology Forecast