Transhumanist Links

Extropy Institute
Transhumanist thinkers, innovators and pioneers
What is transhumanism?
Intro transhumanist site
Anders' Transhuman Pages
Massive site featuring info on virtually every aspect of >H. A great resource!
Five Things You Can Do To Fight Entropy Now
Practical extropian action steps to enhance your life
Foresight Institute
Preparing the world for Nanotech/Advanced AI. Newest project: enhancing the WWW with backlink capability
FI Web Enhancement Project
Foresight's backlink project(see above), designed to make the Web a better forum for dealing with rapid change
World Transhumanist Association
More worldwide >H resources& contacts...
Engines of Creation online
K. Eric Drexler's first book, intended for the intelligent layperson
Unbounding the Future online
Drexler's second book, focusing more on specific "real-world" scenarios and aimed at the public at large
The Truth Machine (James Halperin)
Could we build a 100% accurate lie detector? How would we deal with *always* having to be truthful? And most crucially, do we have *any* chance of longterm survival otherwise??

     The major ideas I develop through my writing center around the
unprecedented powers that are rapidly falling into our hands, and the
ways in which those powers are likely to radically affect us as they 
combine and grow.  The ability to do simple genetic engineering and
program a computer to become a world chess champion are already with
us, and have raised much controversey.  But as technology continues to
develop, it is likely that virtually unlimited options to extend our 
lives, increase our wealth, enhance our experiences, and otherwise
expand our capabilities- both for good and for ill- will be developed.
Deciding how these developing technologies can be best used, and 
developing a social and economic order that best facilitates the
widespread, safe, and cheap availability of the new wealth and power
that they spawn, will be the most difficult, hazardous, and important
project of the next century.  The information& links on this page
(and eventual related pages) deal with these technologies, their 
possibilities, and possible ways of handling the dilemmas that are 
likely to arise.