Ken's Weiß Underwear Drawer

KONNICHIWA MINNA-SAN!!! It's been forever since I updated, ne? Well, I have new fics up and new pictures, and hopefully the links aren't dead. ~.~"  Well, enjoy, minna!


Read the profilesof your favorite Weiß, Schwarz, or Schrient member here.
You Know You're Obsessed With Weiß When....

This is the guide that'll tell you how you know you are obsessed with Weiß.

Come here and get some pictures of Weiß, Schwarz, Schrient, and thier seiyuu here.  
Story Time

Here are some fanfics rated PG-13 and under. To get to the hardcore yaoi fics, you have to go somewhere else.... gomen ne!
Site News

Here I have the latest news ( bull shit ) here. So, please, come here and see what's up.
Cosplay Pictures

Here I have cosplaying pictures of people cosplaying as Weiß, Schrient, and Schwarz.
Here are some related and non-related links here, just in case you don't like this site..... and you DO love it.... right?
Conyace Me

Here you can contact me and complain about the site... wait, I mean, comment the site or something.... ::sweatdrop::

I don not own Weiß Kreuz, just like alot of people that wished they did. And we ALL know what we'd do with them....^^

Weiß is so cute when chibi

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