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Our products are a series of Store Directores with versions for different sizes of stores. Below are three of four customer screens.
Our software features easy in-store editing of all product and map elements.
Animals, Animals, Animals and the Blue Hare
To all the pets which did not have healthier, happier and longer lives, because their owners did not have the
information on these pages.
There are useful, interesting and informative links on many types of pet mammals, from dogs and cats to skunks and sugar gliders, on this page.
Some of these sites contain pages meant to be printed for later reference. Some of links these pages are rhe result of years of work. One is by two fourth graders from Kenai, Alaska,.
Other sites are owned by: Pet Stores, Magazines, Pet professionals and knowledgeable pet owners. The only qualification was that the site give good information for pet owners.
Any commercial links on these pages with more than one line, require a link back to Animals, Animals, Animals and the Blue Hare.
All the links on these pages have been visited and judged fit for all ages.
We hope you enjoy the historical piece following.
Animals, Animals, Animals and the Blue Hare
Thank you this is now the 14th most popular Pet Web Site on the net (10/06/2000).
Help needed
I am looking for pet clubs with websites. If you know any please leave a note.
Hare-hawking in the 19th century.
General (Umbrella Sites)
Alpaca, Goat, Horse, Llama & Pig links
Alpaca & Goat
Llama & Pig links
Bird links
Fish links
Insect link
Small Mammal link (A - D)
Cavies (Guinea Pigs)
Chipmunks, Squirrels & Prairie
Small Mammal link (F - W)
Gerbils and Hampsters
Rabbirs, Rats & Mice
Skunks, Opossums, Sugar Gliders & Wallabies
Reptiles, Snakes, Lizards, Tarantulas & Scorpions links
Reptiles, Lizards, Snakes, Amphibians & Chameleons
Tarantulas & Scorpionss
On-line PetStores, Pet Supplies and Breeders
About Hares and Rabbits
The Hare and the Porcupine
Download Aesop's Fables: Uses animals to illustrate human foibles and morals.
Comics and jokes
Limpidity comic strip
The 5th Wave by Rich tennant
Rabbit Jokes
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