Guest Commentary For Blufwatch

Why I'm not forgiving Mel Gibson
And why you shouldn't either.
Penny Foreman

Why? Because we've been forgiving these self centered egotist who have more money than sense way to long.

In America today, if you happen to be in the entertainment industry and especially if you are insanely wealthy, you get a social pass for behavior that is simply unforgivable. Simon Crowel get's tolerated in spite of his boorish and ugly remarks to contestants that are willing to live and die by his often incorrect opinions. Arnold Schwarzenegger is allowed to make blatantly homophobic remarks. Mel Gibson is allowed to be a pompous bigoted blow hard showing his ass in a drunken rant about Jews and showing his equally stunning lack of respect for females by calling one of the arresting officers "sugar tits".

The end result? Simon smugly continues to kill hopes unnecessarily, Arnold is still governor of California, Mel will do a quit and useless pretend stint in a fake rehab and all will be forgiven by a public that has less and less self respect everyday.

So I propose the following: We as a public need to say enough is enough. We need to refuse to simply forgive because someone makes a lame stab at a rehab that we all know he'd have never gone to if he hadn't been busted. We all need to respect ourselves as a public to expect and demand that those in the public eye don't get a free pass simply because they are rich and famous. Yea, if they earn it, then maybe a forgiveness and reentry into prestige of fame but, it should take more than 20 days in detox and a good lawyer.

Starting today, I'm demanding more from artist and entertainers who want my money at the box office or in the Music store. I refuse to watch movies made by blathering bigots and ass holes. I refuse to watch television programs that promote and encourage being hateful for no damn reason. I refuse to listen to the music of artist that think having a hit song means they can run amok and behave like chimpanzees in a deli. Today, I say, "no more"

I deserved better entertainment and entertainers.

Do you?