EC-47 Please Visit for more photos of the EC-47 I wish to thank JC Wheeler for his continuing exploration of this topic! (The photos below are from the above web site and the drawings are made by myself) (The photos below have been added to enhance the understanding of the drawings) Project Phyllis Ann
X-Console ARDF Airborne Radio Direction Finding Y-Console AMS Airborne Mission Supervisor Q-Console Morse Intercept and Spoofing Z-Console VHF/UHF Intercept ***** EC-47N with AN/ALR-34 ARDF As can be seen here - the Navigator was given the LOP (Line of Position) data from the X Console Operator It was the job of the Navigator to determine the best "angle of attack" or position of the aircraft to the signal and direction of travel With the AN/ALR-34 System, all plotting and navigational work was done manually Behind the Navigator in this photo can be seen the Y Operator The Y Operator was an enlisted man who was the AMS (Airborne Mission Supervisor) In front of the Y Operator was the Q1 or Z1 Console Behind the Y Operator was the Q2 or Z2 Console To the right of the Navigator is the X Console This is a picture of the X Console Y Console Navigator Looking Forward EC-47P with AN/ALR-35 EC-47P with AN/ALR-35 & Z-1 & Z-2 EC-47P AN/ALR-35 X-Console Looking Aft EC-47P with AN/ALR-38 Mini Experimental System (Pleiku AB) The AN/ALR-35, 38(Mini) & 38 had a Navigator Position which had been updated to provide access to a computer integral to the X Console The periscope is visible in foreground to right of Navigator Doppler Navigation was provided to the Navigator Internal to the X Console was a "gray box" which provided the interface between the on-board Dopler Radar System and the X Console LOP's were automated to the extent that the line printer on the Navigator's Console provided printing of those once the X Console Operator "Locked On" to the signal The MAP of the area was used by the Navigator along with the UTM (Universal Trans Mercator) display on the read out on the box on the lower left of the extended console as seen above (Red Lettering) The left most box is the G-276B Demodulator The right most box is the G-289 Tape Controller for the G-176F Recorder The G-176 was located in the side of the cabinet facing the aisle The top receiver is the G-175F - Tuners are 60-90MHz & 60-260MHz The bottom receiver is the G-133F 100KHz - 30MHz |