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Pack 389 Home Page
Welcome to Pack 389 Home Page. We are located in Albuquerque, NM and meet at Sombra Del Monte Elementary School. We have a great group of Boys and Leaders that make our Pack great. If you are interested in Cub Scouting, join us at one of our Pack meetings which are held every 3rd Thursday of the month in the School's Cafeteria at 7:00pm.
Pack News
Congratulations to the Wolf Den for earning the Spirit Stick during the December Pack Meeting. I am proud of you for earning this since you have one of the smallest dens in the Pack. You boys are showing great spirit. Boys, remember to invite a friend into scouting and earn the Recruiter Badge.
Pack Events
We will be looking for adults to help with the Pinewood Derby which will be held on the 4th Saturday of January. We will also need help with the set up the Friday night before. Thank you in advance. If you can help with this event, contact the Cub Master at the E-mail link or call him. We will have our annual Pinewood Derby this month. If you don't have tools to build your car, contact your den leader about the building workshop this month. The 5th Grade Webelos Leader is opening up his shop for anyone who need a place to cut and shape their car. Blue and Gold celebration is coming next month. We will have our Blue and Gold Banquet on the last Saturday in February. Dens need to start working on your decorations for your tables and walls. If you don't know what Blue and Gold is, contact your Den Leader or Cub Master for details. If anyone has any items or ideas for the web site or for the Pack please e-mail me and give me your input. I would especially like to have items where our Scouts have exelled or have been given awards. If I have forgotten any thing, please let me know. Last updated: 4 January 2004