Zanath Facts

Hi, this page is basically something I thought up while sitting in the college library, feeling very bored....isn't that a suprise.....please note, that little thought has been given to this, so if like some people, you think normally, apparently you might find this weird or just plain stupid......

Fact 1
It has come to my attention in #quest, (A mystical place full of pixie's, wolfie's, and err....bunglies? that's just silly...forget that...) that Zanath is a much better healer than Baldor, I personally keep trying to tell this to everyone, but do they listen? No.....On two seperate occasions, there have been 'accidental' deaths in #quest, with both cases resulting in the eventual resurrection of the deceased person.....Now, when 'Lord high and mighty Baldor comes in, for some reason the deceased ended up having to become a bionic being, that then went mad and tried to kill people....some would call this coincidence, I would call it incompitence.....Of course, when I called upon Zanath in the other case, the person was up and running in no time (after having a quick bath....dead people stink..), and was even heard to say, as I quote 'I feel even better than ever!' can you say to that then?.....(Please don't send examples of what you can say, this site is available to kids)

Fact 2
Due to the above mentioned fact, I can now conclude my shocking results, revealing that Baldor is in fact a big smelly thief, who should be of living in sin with Novala. Zanath was the world's first (and foremost) healer, still holding his beliefs of neutrality and healing everyone who should have need, and asked him. Then, when Zanath was away making a cup of tea, Baldor came in and nicked his place!...(Shocking....isn't it?) Baldor, then changed the rules that, just because he heals people....that makes him a 'good' god, that everyone should, there it is then, unrefutable* proof that Baldor isn't the worlds best healer.....

*unrefutable under the conditions that a) no one gives a damn and wont refute it, and b).....err....if it's unrefutable.......

Fact 3
*Fact 3 has been ommitted for legal reasons, pending a court case in which 'Baldor' is currently suing 'Bungle' for libel, scandal, and lots of other legal terms I don't know. Needless to say, it involved breeding goats.....

Fact 4
See above, but with 2 dogs added as well. Also note, Baldor is now also suing Bungle for being a bouncy bear, and for calling him 'Baldie Baldor'

Fact 5
Zanath is in fact, an anagram of Thazan, the great elven NPC poet, and it is believed that Thazan was named after our lord, 'Cause he's great'.

Fact 6
There was a fact 6, but I'm pretty sure Baldor nicked it is...
Zanath's famed, courageous, legendary, and all round amazing recruiter, Bungle, is in fact an escaped ment....err....ment....or....yes, mentor....from the elven kingdom of....Jarske, he escaped after being forced to err, tutor the elven prince for a week, after which he legged it through the sewers.....yes...that's it.

Fact 7
Are you seriously still reading this?........really?.........really, really?............Good grief, you must be mental or something........ ...........
Wanna join our alliance?'d fit right in..........
go on......
go on, go on, go on........
we got cookies.......
and fizzy pop......
It'll be just like a party, you'll love it......
Awh well......

Fact err...9 is it?
Zanath offers personal protection to all his high priests, protecting them from pretty much anything, he offers a nice dental plan, and due to his godly powers, never runs out of chocolate biccies to give to people....what could be better than that?

Definately fact 9
Zanath is not the only name that our god is known as, he has been known as Zanth, Znath, Zanbath, anatha, znth, and Zanbatha......all depending on how my spelling is. But please note: He is not the Pineapple god!....that's another game....

All facts presented in this document, are not claimed by Temple of Zanath. Temple of Zanath accept no responsibility to the mad writings of this person, known as 'Bungle'....

Last updated 27th of March 2000