Happy Holidays 1999/2000

Welcome to the second Annual Nolin-Mambro Father Son Golf Tournament, December 3-6, 1999

Day 1 was nearly a witness to the crash of the entire tournament as three of the six competitors seemed not to have comprehended the batting order of the four different courses despite the fact that the tournament director gave frequent and final updates as to where and when play was scheduled. Ray and Scott motored down from Raleigh after a flight from Boston. They arrived at Southern Pines with a couple of hours to spare and proceeded to spare those hours at the wrong golf course waiting for the rest of the group..

Eric drove up from Charlotte, also with plenty of time to spare; but he had written down something like "Southern Pines Golf Club", instead of "Legacy Golf Links in Southern Pines". He too spent his spare hours driving around the greater Pinehurst area looking for his dadddy. As he stepped up to the first tee, he told me that he was one inch from turning around and returning home after being lost within a mile or so of our group.

Eric finally arrived at Legacy just at tee time on Friday and off we went in a foursome with the Mambro team. Ray and Scott showed up about ten or fifteen minutes later and managed to catch up with us around the 14th hole and we played in as a sixsome just finishing in early December twilight.

The first day was designated as a tuneup/learnhowtoswing day, so the fiasco surrounding where and when we were playing wasn't of scoring interest; but for the record, the Mambros shot 82 and 110, Ray & Scott each shot 106, Rick & Eric shot 95 and 110. Unbeknown to us, the tone of the tourney as well as the stage had been set.

The Legacy Golf Links was a nice play, 6,495 yards with a 124 slope rating from the blue tees. Due to their late arrival, Ray and Scott played the whites, but since these scores were uncounted, made no difference.

Scott and Rayball tuned up and ready for Tobacco Road! (HAH!)

Big Dave and Little Dave (you pick) at Tobacco Road 1st tee.

Eric and Padre, voted "best looking" third place team.

Bunky watches Dad smack one off the fairway at Tobacco Road.

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