Welcome to my "Buppie Goes to Turkey" website. This site commemorates 1958, the year of my visit there.

Big Map of Turkey

days 'til next year!

I had the pleasure of overseas travel while with the US Air Force beginning in January of 1958 when I was assigned to work for a year at the remote duty site of Trabzon, Turkey; far down the Black Sea coast just about 90 miles from the border of the Soviet Union. Recently, I came across some photographs (black/white) which I would like to share. If you had a chance to visit my "library" at my Prodigy Homepage, you might have read the story "Fred, the Bastard". That short story details some of my time and experiences in Turkey during that year. The story title reflects on Fred Dulock of Detroit, Michigan who "done me wrong" just as I was about to return to the U.S.A.

I do have a photo of Fred somewhere, but it wasn't in the album where I found these other prints, so I shall have to update this page when I have a few minutes to find it.

Email me at the following location


These photos are now 40 years old so forgive the quality. I have a few more which I will hunt down and post soon.
One of my roomies, Barber (forgot first name, but if I had to guess; maybe.....Mike?)

View of Trabzon
City of Trabzon viewed from the hill

Trabzon out window
View from my bedroom window

Sully and me
Frank Sullivan and me at dining table

More Turkey pix

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