Grandstand Admission
Adults - $12
Teens & Seniors (13-16) - $10
Under 12 - Free
Pit Admission
Pit passes $25 all ages
Enduro Admission
Ages 13 & up - $8
12 & under - Free
Mud Bog Admission
Truck and driver $15
Pit pass $12
General admission
Ages 13 & up - $8
12 & under - Free
The prices listed above are for Regular shows only
Prices are subject to change without notice
Races Times
Hotlaps 4:30 p.m
Racing 7:30 p.m.
Enduro Race Times
Gates open 11 am
Racing 2 pm
Mud Bogs
1:00 p.m. start time
Coolers are allowed (maximum 12" X 12")
NO glass containers