Links/Recommended references
Searching for information on scorpion is not easy. Conventional library don't carry
many books on scorpions and searching through index of every probable book is not for the
weak hearted. To help anyone interested to know further, I have put down a list of my
preferred references. Opinions are my own and please do not take offense for my skewed
The level set usually mean the minimum age to comprehend most of the content. Adults
who think that'age 6 and above' is condescending to your level may be mistaken. All books
here are not 'children's book' but caters to all ages in our special interest group. In no
order of merit,
- 'Tarantulas and scorpions' by Rankin and Walls (TFH)
Level: For beginners who likes eye candies (age 6 and above)
Coloured, 64 pages, many colour plates, paperback, 11 pages on scorpions, about US$12
Rating: 6.5/10
- Beginner's guide to keeping scorpions furbished with beautiful pictures. However it has
more about tarantula keeping. Also according to David Gaban, the Androctonus
crassicauda labelled should be A.australis while A.bicolor looks more
like A.crassicauda. It has been verified using Fauna Palaestina: Scorpiones and
Dave Gaban is as always right.
- 'The Biology of Scorpions' by Gary A.
Polis (Stanford University Press, 1990)
Level: For those more technically inclined (age 12 and above)
Hardcover, 587 pages, black and white photos, illustrations, about US$90
Rating: 9/10
- The 'bible' for budding amateur scorpion enthusiast. Compilation of the many
journals and the author's long) research into scorpions. It is however quite technical and
a background in zoology and related medical science is an advantage. Except for
researchers and 'nuts' like myself, it has more information than one need.
Major drawback: cost Australian $150
- 'Revision of genus Heterometrus' Couzijn, 1981
Level: For taxonomist (age 18 and above)
Paperback/hardcover, illustrations with no photos, 196 pages, price unknown.
Rating: 8/10
- Specific for genus Heterometrus (which is relatively abundant in Malaysia and
Singapore.) For Heterometrus spp identification, it is the most recognised paper to
this day. Heterometrus sp. key was extracted from it for my webpage.
- 'Venomous animals and their toxins' by G.G.
Habermehl, 1981.
Level: For layman who likes to know venom (age 12 and above)
Hardcover, mainly illustrations, thin, price unknown, small section on scorpions
Rating: 7/10
- An easy to read, interesting and yet scientifically sound text on venoms in general.
Have a good section on scorpions.
- 'Bites and Stings' by John Nicol, 1989
Level: For layman interested in venom
Hardcover, black and white photos, thick, small section on scorpion, price unknown
Rating: 6.5/10
- Very easy to read and interesting. Tendency to dramatise/sensualise (personal opinion)
but is mostly quite scientifically based. Caters more to man-in-the-street who is
interested in venom.
- 'Desert soil fauna' by John A. Wallwork , 1982
Level: Interesting read for those interested ;) (age 16 and above)
Hardcover, black and white photos, thick, numerous section on scorpion ecology, price
Rating: 6.5/10
- Contains much information on desert scorpion life history. Finds it up-to-date and
interesting. It's so interesting I read the whole book instead.
- 'Dangerous animals in Malaya' MWF Tweedie, 1941
Level: Easy read (age 6 and above)
Paperback, illustrations, thin, price unknown
Rating: 5/10
- One of the only few book with a little information on scorpions of Malaysia and
Singapore. Some information may be outdated.
- 'Arachnida' 2nd Edition by Theodore Savory, 1977
Level: Easy read (age 12 and above)
Hardcover, mainly illustrations, thick, price unknown
Rating: 7/10
- An old but interesting classic with good overview of arachnids. Contains clearly
presented information on classification, anatomy and life history. Section on familial
difference is easier to digest than Sissom's key in 'Biology of Scorpion' but is outdated.
The first edition of 'Arachnida' contains some different pictures and information and may
prove interesting to read as well.
- 'Scorpion man - Exploring the World of Scorpions'
Laurence Pringle, photos by Gary A. Polis, 1994
Level: Interesting and inspiring (age 6 and above)
Hardcover, coloured photo, thin, about US$ 15
Rating: 7/10
- Features how Polis, the famous (to us) author of 'The Biology of Scorpion' gains his
interest and develops it into a career. Also gives simplified information about scorpions
and is the simplest accurate text on scorpion in general. The black and white pictures in
'The Biology of Scorpion' is in full colour here.
- 'Golden Guide: Spiders and their kin' Herbert W.Levi
and Lorna R.Levi, 1990
Level: any level (age 6 and above)
Paperback, pocket size, 160 pages, coloured drawings, about US$7
Rating: 7/10
- A good general introduction to the Arachnids with emphasis on Araenae. The 3 pages on
scorpions is quite informative and deserves at least a read.
- 'Simply scorpions: A guide for beginners' by
Hancock, Kathleen, 1996
Level: any level (age 6 and above)
Paperback, line drawings, 44 pages, about US$5
Rating 4/10
- The binding is inferior and so is the printing (photocopy). The information is very
brief but is reasonably OK on keeping scorpions as pets. The other information is mostly
coincidentally repeat of what I have here. Also the section saying that 'scorpions can be
overfed' is what most of us dismiss as a myth (carried over from 'Arachnomania'?)
- 'Scorpions: A comprehensive guide' by Hancock,
Kathleen, 1996
Level: general (age 12 and above)
Paperback, line drawings, 92 pages, about US$12
Rating: 6/10
- The binding and printing is similarly inferior but the information inside is at least
worth a read. A much better version of the above in terms of content.
- 'Fauna of India: Arachnida Vol III : Scorpions' by
B.K. Tikader and D.B. Bastawade, 1983
Level: more for technical people (age 12 and above)
Hardcover, illustrations, 671 pages, price about US$60-S70. Out of print but may be
available from NHBS.
Rating: 9/10
- A surprise find which proves to be a 'treasure'. The general information on scorpions is
easy to read and presentation clearer than 'Biology of Scorpion'. It contains taxonomic
keys and description of many Asia genus and proves invaluable for my work. However, other
taxonomic sources is usually more recognised in the international taxonomic circles.....
- 'Arachnomania' by Phillipe de Vosjoli, 1991
Level: general (age 12 and above)
Paperback, b/w photos, 80 pages, 20 pages on scorpions alone, about US$ 9
Rating: 7/10
-I read it with low expectation but is elated by its relative accuracy and wealth of
information. The disagreement over whether scorpion can be overfed is adequately and
objectively discussed which leaves one to decide. Overall, a good book for both tarantula
and scorpion care. Some wrong names.
- 'Scorpions' by Conrad J Storad, 1995
Level: Children (age 4 and above)
Hardcover, coloured photo, 48 pages, about US$15
Rating: 4/10
- Gosh! This really is a children to young people book. The letters are HUGE resulting in
the 48 pages being very little information. The photos are nice and the general
information decent but..... not for people who manage to read through and understand my
webpage. Very elementary but easy to read.
- 'Looking inside spiders and scorpions' by Dr Paul
Hillyard, 1995
Level: Children (age 6 and above)
Hardcover, coloured pictures and photos, 19 pages, about US$11
Rating: 6/10
- A unique interesting and clear way of presenting anatomy of arachnids. However, it
similarly suffers from a lack of information. Layout could be more organised but is
generally easy to read.
- 'Field Guide to Spiders and Scorpions of Texas' by
John A. Jackman, 1997
Level: General (age 12 and above)
Paperback, colour plates, 201 pages, 8 pages on scorpions, about US$19
Rating: 7/10
- Solid book for those in Texas. The illustrations is clear and the taxonomic description
concise. However, ecology and other information on scorpions is limited and the species
covered is very small.
- 'Fauna Palaestina: Arachnida I: Scorpiones' by
G.Levy and P. Amitai, 1980
Level: Taxonomist and advance readers (age 16 and above)
Hardcover, illustrations, 130 pages, about US$30
Rating: 8/10
-Information is concise and clear with illustrations to support. Emphasis on taxonomic
information may be mind boggling and boring to some. Most species in the region is covered
including the infamous Androctonus genus.
- 'The New Creepy Crawly Collection: Scorpions' by
Tamara Green, 1996
Level: Kids (age 6 and above)
Hardcover, coloured cartoon like drawings, 24 pages. about US$19
Rating: 4/10
- This book covers the basics though information should be taken with a pinch of salt. It
is very easy to read but is inaccurate in sections which if you're interested, email me.
The drawings and colouring is kiddish and is pricey.
- 'Tarantula and other Arachnids' by Samuel D.
Marshal, 1996
level: Adult
Soft cover, 69 color photos, 104 pages, US $8
Rating: 8/10
- Solid book and lives up to its recommendation by American Tarantula Society. Only 4
pages on scorpions but is well written for tarantula.
- The book of Spiders and Scorpions by Rod
Preston-Mafham 1996
Level: kids to adult
Hardcover, 200+ illustrations some are color photos, 144 pages, US $29?
- A good book which didn't disappoint me. Again the focus is on spiders but there is 5
information filled pages on scorpions. It is well written and quite informative on
- Scorpions of Medical Importance 2nd Edition by
Hugh L. Keegan 1980
Level: Adults
Soft cover, many superb b/w drawings, 140 pages, US$30+
Rating: 7.5/10
- A overall solid book covering clearly and concisely anatomy and other aspects of
'dangerous' scorpions. The drawings has to be seen to be believed. It is of more
taxonomic value than most photos can convey due to accuracy and clarity.
- Gaban's Scorpion Tales: An ATS Manual by
R. David Gaban
Level: Above 12
Binding, papercover, 15 pages, US$5(?)
Rating: 7.5/10
-Dave Gaban covered each aspects of the scorpions featured (A.australis, P.imperator,
P.cavimanus, H.trilineatus,P.transvaalicus, O.glabrifons, C.gracilis, I.maculatus) in the
order every enthusiast would like to have. Scorpion care and concise identification
is given . The lack of accurate and authoritative source for such information make this a
gem. Hope his book can come out sooner.....
- Scorpions: keeping & breeding them in captivity
by Ann Webb (TFH)
Level: kids to adults
Soft cover, 70+colour photos, 64 pages, US$10
Rating: 7/10
- Ann Webb's book is riddled with what I perceive as mistakes or misquotes.... however,
the beautiful pictures and the rarity of books on scorpion in captivity sways my opinion
to favour it. A good book with sufficient information for most beginners.
- Revision of Lychas and Hemilychas, with
description of six new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae)
Dr Frantisek Kovarik 1997
Level: Adult
60 pages.
Rating: 7.5/10
THE latest resource on Lychas sp. A book on Lychas by him has also been
published early this year. One to get for taxonomy on Lychas sp.
- Afroisometrus genus by Dr Frantisek
Kovarik 1997
Level: Adult
Rating: NA
- Re-appraisal of the rock scorpions
(Scorpionidae:Hadogenes) by G. Newland 1985
Level: Adult
Rating: 7/10
10 pages
THE paper on Hadogenes classification.
- Albinism in Australian scorpions (Urodacus yasenkoi)
Adam Lockett 1986
- ' New species in Malaya' of Lychas
tweediei F.Kopstein 1937
- Stephen Bullington's paper on Hadogenes sp breeding
Many other books have small sections on scorpions but there are too many to quote here.
Other books recommended but not in my collection.... ;-)
1) 'Scorpions (Arachnida from Costa Rica)' by
Oscar Franke, Scott Stockwell
- Dr Scott Stockwell is the owner of the best scorpion page available. This book is out of
Look out for
1) David Gaban's new book on scorpion
2) Gary A. Polis new book
3) Frantisek Kovarik's book on Lychas
4) ......... Catalog of World Scorpion........ Dr Fet et al
Sometimes caught in the bewildering span of the web, even Webcrawler, Yahoo,
AOL Netfind etc can't help you much. Frustrated that the so called 'scorpion' match turns
out to be a rock group, football team or baseball team? Here are some links to get you
Almost purely scorpions
- Scorpion
Enthusiast Page by Dr Scott A. Stockwell
- Much referred to in my page. It is, in my opinion, the very best scorpion page on the
net. A no-nonsense, scientific, informative and yet interesting page on scorpions by none
other than an expert on scorpions, Dr Scott Stockwell. Visit it and I'm sure you'll agree.
- Hairy scorpion caresheet by Shannon D. Nelson
-The page is vibrant, informative and simply put superb. It has lively animation and
scientifically accurate and yet simple to read and interesting content. It focus on Iurids
which includes Hadrurus sp and Anuroctonus sp
- Emperor Scorpion page by David
- A page by David Gaban whose expertise in scorpion knowledge and breeding is well known
in our circle. It focus on Pandinus imperator and is written with clarity
and accuracy.
- 'Troll' Quality Tarantula by
Mike 'Troll'
-Mike keeps a large number of tarantula and scorpion. In his page, you find some care
information of scorpions and loads of pictures of his and other people's scorpions
- Arachnodata by Matt W. Braunwalder
- The Arachnological information and coordination agency by Matt W.Braunwalder. It is
available in both English and Deutsch. A commendable page with good links, interesting
projects and information with emphasis on scorpions. A superb resource for those with
interest in scorpions.
- Pet Arthropod Page by Steve Bullington
-Steve Bullington authors the paper on Hadogenes troglodytes care and breeding.
It is included in HTML format in his page. Also includes a section on Pandinus
imperator. Good page to learn more.
- Scorpion care and info
-The content is as the title suggest. Contains quite a good deal of information mainly on Hadrurus
- Topical Insect and Arachnids by Jan Ove Rein
-A superb page by Jan Ove Rein which includes an abstract on his MSc thesis on use of
stings in scorpion
- Warren Savary California
Scorpion by Warren Savary
Page with taxonomic key for scorpions in California as well.
- Invertebrates Page by Chad Arment
-. It also includes the key to Hadogenes spp (Flat rock scorpions) by G. Newland.
- Gordon's Insect Page by Gordon
A good page to visit for more on interesting facts about scorpions. Also covers quite a
bit on other subjects.
- European
Scorpion Page
-Page for scorpion in european side of the world
- Scorpion Forum by Larry
-A site for scorpion enthusiast to exchange knowledge and perhaps pets.
- Scorpion link page by Jonathan Scharwz
- An attempt by Jonathan Schwarz to compile the most complete scorpion enthusiast link
with ICQ included. There's also links to online scorpion suppliers.
- Scorpions and Centipedes photo gallery by
Gordon W.
- Beautiful pictures of scorpions and with common names listed against the scientific
- Hellenic Arachnid Society by Alexandros
-With pictures of Mesobuthus under UV and AVI of his scorpions attacking a cricket.
- Desert USA: Scorpions
-A short introduction and care sheet for scorpions
- Hunting
Scorpions in Desert by Pascal Riewe
-Pascal Riewe on his collecting trip in Sahara desert.
Arachnids in general (with some emphasis on tarantula and scorpions)
- Arachnology mailing
- The biggest arachnology list on the net. The section on Order Scorpiones contains
many other links to scorpions on the net. One of the best.
- Tarantula's Burrow
- A solid site by Martin Overton of British Tarantula Society (BTS). Includes a survey on
bites and stings. A must visit for enthusiast. Gets better each day. He's on the
Arachnology ML
- Anansi's Voice from
- Anansi's page on Asian spiders and arachnids. One of the better sites to look out
for information on tarantula. One of the rare asian 'arachnophilic' web sites. It not only
gets better each day, I think it is the best english arachnid site by an Asian. He's on
the scorpion ML
- Hobo spider web site
- Lots of information about Hobo spiders (Tegenaria agrestis) and venom by a
toxinologist. Darwin K. Vest. A good site to visit for anyone curious about arachnid
- Salticids page
- by David Edwin Hill (a fellow Arachnology ML subscriber). Mainly on jumping spiders Phidippus
but is sooo..... good I couldn't give it a miss. He's on the Arachnology ML
Singapore nature links
Book suppliers
- Amazon bookstore
- Superb source for books on scorpions. Amazon also provides search for second hand book.
Doube checking your orders (past, present, future) is idiot proof. Their service is good
and catalog quite updated. However, second hand book comes at a price......
- Barnes and Noble
- Other than occasionally outdated catalog.... it is a strong competitor to Amazon.
- NHBS mailorder bookstore
- A nature bookstore with a few books on scorpions. A pleasant surprise is that snailmail
catalog is sent to each customer. In general, I'm satisfied with their service and their
ability to get a out-of-print book at the quoted price without making a fuss of it. The
price is in pounds and is comparatively steeper for some items.
That's all folks...... any queries concerning anything on the page or any of my interest, email Kian