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Things that Piss Me Off

Here Are A Few Things That Piss Me Off











Warning: Some of these comments/observations may offend. This was not my goal, so if you're super-hyper-sensitive, don't read it ok?






1. When you're writing/typing, and someone comes over and makes no attempt to hide that they're reading everything you're writing. Come on. Just go away before I throw a fit, huh?

2. When, in the middle of a small and crowded hallway, people stop short and randomly start talking to other people... Making no attempt to get out of your way, and then when you say "Excuse me", they look at you like you're from another planet.

3. Touching. I absolutely hate it when people randomly poke, hit or lean on me. Don't do it. It's annoying. Especially if you smell.

4. When people repeat what I say in a question. (i.e.: "How are you?" "How am I?") Duh! I know what I asked you! Just answer the question!

5. When people repeat me in general. Never quote me to me.

6. People who dramatically sigh or moan to let you know they want you to ask them what's wrong. Yeah. Sorry. I couldn't care less. Go get friends or something.

7. People who talk about people literally every waking moment of their day, and then have the audacity to be surprised when they hear someone is talking about them. Knock it off. You're not perfect, please stop pretending you are.

8. Pants with things written across the a$$. Ugh. Talk about gross. If you need to draw attention to it, it's not worth looking at.

9. People who give you random dirty looks.

10. People who insist on telling me about the tremendous amount of fun they had last night while in a drug induced stupor. I don't care. You're a drug addict, leave me alone. If your story starts with, "I was so wasted..." or "Dude, I was so stoned..." I've already tuned you out.

11. People that date their cousins. Sorry, marriage or no marriage, you're still related.

12. Drunk hockey fans who try to feel you up.

13. Teachers, who after three or four months of 'teaching' a class of ten people, still don't know my name. Come on! How hard it is? Say it with me: Nicole

14. People who call themselves 'princess' or 'goddess' or whatever. You're not. Time to come to the place we normal people call reality.

15. People who are happy 24 hours a day.

16. People who have no modesty. (i.e.: Those girls in your high school who would go around, "Oh, I look so cute today!" or "Oh, I'm so gorgeous!" Because guess what? Usually, they're not.

17. When you finally sit down, only to realize you forget something, and have to get back up again.

18. When people bump into you in the hallway, and then have the nerve to look at you like it's your fault.

19. People who are continous copiers. I am me. You cannot be me. The end. Please stop stalking me.

20. Whiny freshman. It's just high school. In four years, it will be over, and you'll still be alive. Working in McDonalds, maybe, but still alive nontheless.

21. People who IM me the second I get online, only to say: "Hey. What's up?" And then stop talking. Why bother? Just go away!

22. When your computer just has a nervous breakdown and refuses to work.

23. When someone hums a song around you, and it winds up stuck in your head, and then they say they were never humming it to begin with.

24. People who sign your yearbook, 'Have a nice summer'. Get away from me. I spent a little less than a year with you, and that's all you can think to write? Ugh!

25. People who take horrible pictures, and then ask me what I think. They're gross, stop forcing me to look at them.

26. Boys.

27. Commercials that encourage parents to interrogate their children before they go out. I mean, I'm all for parents knowing where you are, fine... But they don't need an itinerary for God sake. I've never done anything to make my parents distrust me, so stop making them.

28. When you park as far away from civilzation as possible, and when you come out of your store, there's a car next to you. Why do people do this? Go away!

29. People who tell you the plot of a movie before you see it. It's like, "Well, thanks for saving me the eight dollars, man."

30. Boys who think that just because I'm a girl, I couldn't possibly know anything about sports. Welcome to the 21st Century! Girls can understand and like sports, amazingly enough.

31. People who invite random people to parties for the gifts. Get friends!

32. People who shower, and then put their dirty clothes back on. Ew. Dirty!

33. People who make no attempt to hide the fact that they are staring at your boobs/reading your shirt.

34. People who complain about everything every single second of the day.

35. To embellish on 26 a little bit, I hate boys who flirt and never follow through.

36. Smokers. I'm sorry, but if you want to give yourself cancer, go right ahead... Just get the damn thing out of my face and leave my lungs out of it.

37. People who invent entire relationships in their head with someone they've talked to a total of three times. We have a word for people like this: STALKERS.

38. X-Best Friends who have nothing better to do than spread random rumors about you in attempts to make you as miserable as they are. Sorry, go back to your cousin, ok?

39. People who only come to you when they need something, and people too retarded to understand they're being used.

40. People who are continously changing their opinions about everything and everyone every five freaken minutes, and then get mad when I can't keep up. Yeah! Ok! Sorry! Try being normal for like, two seconds, and then we'll talk.

41. Sharing Food.  Seriously guys, don't even bother asking.  Chances are, I will say no.  And if by some miracle chance I happen to say yes, its because I'm trying to get you to leave.  This is not an invitation to stay.

42. People who stare at me, whether they try to hide it or not.  Just don't do it.  I understand that its part of human nature and everything, but I don't want to be looked at.  If I did, it wouldn't be by you anyways.

43. People who type in the short forms of words.  i.e b/c, w/o, how r u? and so on. Stop doing this.

44. When someone feels the need to fill silence with random words that mean nothing.  Just stop, there is a reason no one was talking.

45. When Kazaa continuously freezes and makes me shut it down and restart it.

46. When it takes two weeks to download one episode of "One Tree Hill"

47. People who over-exaggerate way too much.

48. People who are your friend one day, but the next they decide they aren't for no reason at all.

49. People who think they are funny when they aren't.

50. People who think they need to fix me.

51. When someone gives you their new e-mail adress, and tells you to add them to msn, when they know your e-mail already.. Come on, if you really want me there, add me yourself.

52. People who assume. (Ass out of U and ME people!)

53. When people try to pretend they understand what you're going through, when they really really don't.

54. Fake friends

55. Crappy movies that were supposed to be good. i.e Win a Date With Tad Hamilton.

56. When people tell the same story 10 times. And there is no exaggeration in the number I am giving.

57. Online stalkers.

58. Boys who don't know what they want.

59. Liar.

60. Drug Addicts, Alcoholics, anyone who continuously does something that is bad for them, they know it, yet they continue to brag.

61. People who brag

62. Friends who think they are too good for you.

63. Religion freaks.  I'm not into the whole God thing, I realize you are, but you don't see me preaching to you why you shouldn't believe, stop trying to make me.

64. Pedifiles.

65. Teachers who ignore everything you say, and don't actually care about your future.

66. Being purposely ignored.

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