How We Are...2003

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Good is 30 June 2003.  Charlie, Beau and Chuck returned home from Connecticut yesterday after spending the last week and a half in Brookfield.  Shari, Christopher, Benjamin, and Savannah are still there providing support and comfort to Shari's mom...Barbara's husband of 46+ years passed away suddenly on 19 June in his home from a heart attack.  He had just returned from the hospital where he had surgery on his foot.  He had been in for about a week after his kidneys had developed some problems from the medications he was receiving.  The day before he was released, he had given Barbara a note that read, "I want to go home.  Now! Today! Not tomorrow!  No if's and's or but's, As soon as possible."  If you knew Art, he did not write things down to communicate unless he meant business!  Art has had a tough row to hoe over the last 20 years.  He had been diagnosed with cancer of the larynx in early 1983.  After removal of his larynx and extensive treatment, he beat back cancer, but was still plagued with other ailments of the heart and body.  God was very kind in giving us Art for an extra 20 years.  The family has been totally devastated by this event as it was not at all expected.  Although Art has had a lot of health problems in recent years, he was doing very well.  In part, it is a comfort that he did not suffer long, however, the pain we all feel is from the yearning we all have in our hearts for his presence in our lives.  Arthur William Covill, Jr. was born on 29 February was the 29th and not the 28th!  He was 75 years old and a very loving husband, father, Poppy, and friend.  Art served in the Korean War with the US Army's 160th Infantry Regiment, 40th Infantry Division.  He also served on mainland Japan as part of the Occupation Forces.  He received a military burial in Central Cemetery in Brookfield and is buried very near his father and grandfather.  Chuck was given the esteemed honor of receiving Art's flag and presenting to Barbara.  You can read more about Art as it was published in his Obituary.

The last 2 months have been particularly difficult for the Covill Family.  Shari's grandmother died on 20 May at 96 years of age.  She went very peacefully, but is still missed for all her smiles, laughter, singing, and charm.  She was buried in the Prince of Peace Cemetery in Brookfield next to her husband.  Also, Shari's Aunt May Covill formerly May Elizabeth Joyce, married to her father's brother Harold Covill, died this past Friday morning, 28 June from cancer and will be buried today.  Your prayers for the family are most appreciated and welcome.
Today is 03 June 2003. of late...keeping our web page up-to-date has been a challenge that has gone virtually unmet...we're just tooooo busy, what with home schooling the 3 younger Martins, keeping up with 2 of whom is working a part-time job now...commuting 64 miles per day, playing Assistant Scoutmaster, Mom, Mr. Fix-it, Domestic Engineer, Mom's Taxi service, Soccer practice, Boy Scouts, Daisy Scouts, Hockey, Medical Appointments, Dental Appointments, Mental Appointments there just never seems to be enough time in any given day.  Soooo, we have put in a petition to our add at least 6 hours to each the evening for weekdays and during daylight hours for the weekends...we hope you all enjoy the extra time.  But seriously, Chuck has worked very hard the last few days to get the pictures that have piled least some of the pictures anyway...posted to the web.  You can visit our newest added page at:
The page has thumbnail pictures that can be enlarged by clicking on them individually.  They are only a handful of the shots that we have literally amassed over the last months or so.
The major events in our lives have included a promotion for Chuck to Major or "O" 4 on 01 April.  That now makes him what the military calls a field grade officer and is thereby required to go in for a frontal lobotomy to make him totally numb to common sense and doing jobs the easy way.  He is fighting the attempts quite well so far.    After deciding to accept his promotion because of the "Stop-Loss," it was lifted at the beginning of May.  How ironic!  Well, he was promoted by the Director of Intelligence for the Marine Corps, Brigadier General Mike Ennis.  Since January, Headquarters Marine Corps has twice tried to deploy him to Operation Iraqi Freedom, but where he now works put a rather strong resistance since he is fulfilling a "Joint" billet and HQMC backed down.  Even the General mentioned him going right after the promotion ceremony.  Shari is keeping the fires burning on the home front as she holds it ALL together for her warrior husband and despite the insurmountable challenges she faces each and every day.  Aptly named, her E-mail account is MomontheMove1.  Drop her a line, she needs the adult interaction...especially with 6 kids at home 8-) er...5 kids at home.
For the kids "Spring Break," the Martin family managed to invade the Pipestem State Park in Pipestem, West Virginia.  They had the wonderful opportunity to see some family that most had never even met and Chuck had not seen in 10 years.  Some awesome camping, hiking, fishing, and even Easter egg hunting was accomplished.  This Easter, we did not conduct our Easter Egg hunt in the "traditional" commercial sense, but instead hunted for numbered plastic eggs with various articles placed in each of 12 eggs.  They are called "Resurrection Eggs" and contain the articles and Bible verses from the Easter Story as it should be taught to our children.  They really enjoyed it.  Despite 2 very rainy days and nights and the Spring cold weather, we managed to dry out and to still have an awesome time seeing some absolutely beautiful scenery which included more deer than "you could shake a stick at," to catch a mess of fine lake trout, to prepare a fine "camp" steak dinner over an open fire that we shared with our cousins from Pipestem, and partake in an even better spaghetti dinner at their house, and most importantly share in family and friends.  We are looking for any opportunity to head back into "them thar hills" for another visit.  We would have made the trip over the Memorial Day weekend, but Shari's Grandmother, Helen Johnson, passed away at the grand old age of 96 on 20 May.  Although it was a very sad occasion, her funeral was truly a celebration of her life and her faith in God.  Whenever anyone visited her, they were always greeted with the biggest smile and truly sincere happiness of getting to see family and friends that she had to offer.  When Shari received the news of her Grandmother's passing, she just happened to be at a very important event for Charlie.  Savannah was standing by her mother when she received the word.  When Shari heard the news, she began to cry quietly.  Savannah noticed her mother's sorrow and immediately inquired.  Shari informed Savannah of Oma's passing and Savannah immediately asked, "Well, does that mean she is already in Heaven?" to which Shari replied, "Yes Sweetheart."  Next, Savannah asked, "Well, does that mean then that God has already given her a new body too?"  Again, Shari replied with "Yes."  To which Savannah responded with yet another simple question, "Well, then Momma, Why are you crying?"  Right out of the mouths of babes comes the simple truth to which we should all cling.  Life is merely an event in our journey to meet with and spend eternity with our God in heaven.  Oma is still loved and will missed by ALL her knew her.
Another "Major" event for pun as we alluded to above was for Charlie to be inducted into the National Honor Society...we are extremely proud of him.  Christopher is also doing very well in the JROTC program at his school and for the most part recovered from his ordeal over his arm although he does still have a moment here and there where his arm aches.  Beau, Benjamin, and Savannah are continuing to "march" along as well as they near the end of their school year and look forward to what is already shaping up to be an extremely busy it is summer camps, shipping kids off to Grandparents houses for a week or two here and there...the ever looming threat of deployment for Chuck, and just the everyday fast pace of our lives continuing onward.
Another event was when Chuck took Charlie and Beau's Boy Scout Troop to Valley Forge and hiked the Valley Forge Historical Trail and did a service project for their host Troop, Troop 73.  You can see their efforts at this link:  Everyone on the trip really accomplished quite a feat in all that was done in that short weekend.  Charlie is nearing completion of his life Scout and hopes to be an Eagle by Feb 03 of this coming year.  Beau is making nice progress since his joining the troop this past year.
Recently, Chuck underwent PRK surgery.  The first hour and a half after the surgery, Chuck's vision was already marked improved.  The next 2 days, he could hardly open his eyes.  Now however, his vision has already improved to 20/25 and will be in constant flux for at least 3-6 months according to the Doctors.  If you are considering Lasik...DON'T DO IT!  After viewing the briefings and what could go wrong with both surgical methods, Lasik definitely presents some real potential for things to go wrong even more so than PRK.  However, do you own research and Chuck is willing to field any questions you have concerning what he has learned so far.
Well, now that we have probably put all of you into a nice slumber, we will sign off for now.  We still a mess of pictures to get posted, but web space is limited.  So, we will post these pictures for a little while and try try give everyone an opportunity to review and enjoy them.  After a period of time, the page will be refreshed with newer shots.  May this find you and yours in good health, in true happiness, and feeling completely blessed by God.  We truly love and miss you all.  And always remember, that even if we do not get to see you before we part this earth, we will see you at Supper.  Semper Fidelis.

Hi it is Wednesday afternoon, 26 March 2003.  Everyone should have received an E-mail from Chuck this week concerning his impending promotion on 01 April.  For those who responded, thank you.  As a family, we have decided that what is best for us right now is to actually remain on active duty for at least another 2 years.  With the Marine Corps' "Stop-Loss" in place, Chuck is sort of stuck on active anyway through January of next year.  Rather than work as a Captain for roughly the next year, we felt it best that he take the promotion to Major and get paid for still being active.  besides, in this day and age, every little bits helps.  After the Stop-Loss ends, he will still have a year and then he can retire obligation free at 22 years.  This decision will also allow Chuck to do more networking in this area for possible future employment.  Still no decision about where we can settle...where to go...where to go?  Besides, Chuck also feels a strong pull right now to stay because of the war.  The possibility is still looming for him to be pulled from NIMA and sent over.  Remember, Iraq is not the end of the road for America's War on Terrorism!  We cannot rest until we have looked under every rock, into every cave, nook and cranny to dig out those who who will bring terrorism here to violently inflict their views and ways of life upon us.  America has always been the land of opportunity for ALL.  Unfortunately, that ideology has made us vulnerable to attack by those who simply do not agree with our system of government or our way of life.  Please always remember that our freedom will forever require refreshing with the blood of patriots and tyrannts!  Until every nation on earth lives free, we will continue to be scrutinized and yes, even attacked for our beliefs.  I ask for your prayers for the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coastguardsmen, Merchant Marines, and all those who have voluntarily placed themselves in harm's way, not just for our freedom this time, but also for the freedom of a people who have been oppressed, tortured, and even killed for having the wrong beliefs, the wrong blood, the wrong background for over 30 years.  America has made many mistakes in her pursuits of freedom, such as allowing Saddam Hussein to be placed into power, remain in power, and even providing him with some of his military might.  But today, America is involved in a fight which must be won by Liberty if we as human beings are to continue upon the face of this earth.  Finally, we ask for your prayers of the family members left behind to wait and wonder if their warriors will return from battle and also for those families who now know that their warriors have fallen on the battle field by whatever means.  Pray for them and ask the Lord to give them the strength to rebuild their lives and their families and for them to know that this nation does not take lightly the sacrifices that they have laid upon the altar of freedom.  More to come.  Semper Fidelis.


Hello Everybody!  It is Sunday evening, 12 January 2003.  A belated Happy New Year!  Needless to say, things have been rather busy since our return from Okinawa last summer.  Chuck heard on 03 January that he was selected for Major.  He is still wrestling with staying or going, however, the recent "Stop-Loss" message that the Marine Corps just released makes it a lot harder for him to retire.  Conceivably, he can retire on 26 May 2003.  However, if he accepts his promotion to Major, he must then obligate himself for at least 2 more years.  With his retirement program being "High-3" he must stay 3 years to get a higher average of his Major's pay toward his retirement.  The government really hurt the serviceman's retirement when they passed that blasted Graham-Rudman bill.  Basically, Chuck will only get an "average" of his last 36 months in service and not necessarily the last basic pay figure that he will be getting at retirement like the old timers use to get.  He anticipates actually pinning it on in March since last years list should finish in February.  He would like the family to come and see his "last" promotion in the Marine Corps.  His desires are to have the ceremony at the Iwo permitting...with his family present.
We spent Thanksgiving in Florida with Chuck's folks and Christmas in Connecticut with Shari's folks.  When we went to bed on Christmas Eve, we were expecting snow for Christmas and we got it.  We woke up to our very first white Christmas as The Martin Family.  Much fun was had by all...Benjamin and Savannah even went on their first snow sled rides.  While in Florida, Chuck and his Dad got to go hunting together again...Chuck enjoyed himself and got a deer.  It is good to have venison in the freezer again.
In case everyone did not hear, Christopher broke his arm again in was another compound fracture.  He had his arm in a cast for 4 and a half months to include surgery for rods being inserted in his forearm bones.  He finally gets those removed on 24 Jan.
Shari is still home schooling our younger things stay pretty hectic during our days.  Charlie and Christopher have adjusted well to their new school.  Charlie has been invited to a dinner in the spring with the District of Columbia's Representative to the House to meet with her about applying to the Air Force Academy.  It seems that he meets all of the qualifications.  Charlie has really done very well this year in school.  He made the Honor Roll for the first semester and performed extremely well on his PSAT and his ASVAB.  As a result of his ASVAB scores, we have had every Recruiter known to mankind calling and wanting him to join.  We keep telling them that he is only 16 to "Go Away!"  He is far from old enough.  It is still hard to believe that Charlie has sprouted up so much in the last year...he is now about 6' 1 1/2" and growing more it seems everyday.  What is even harder to believe is that he will be "17" in 2 weeks!
Things are finally starting to get back on track from our is always very difficult to move so often.  We have been "shopping" for a new church home over the last several months and have attended several churches in the area.  Last week, we finally visited the First Baptist Church of Alexandria.  It is only about 15 minutes away and very easy to get is actually closer as the crow flies, but that would mean taking a boat straight across the Potomac every Sunday and Wednesday with probably at least two trips across on Sundays for the evening service being included.  We attended again is the first church we have visited twice.  We'll see how it works is a larger church than what we prefer, but the folks are friendly and the kids all "want" to go, which is what we want for them.
Chuck leaves this week for a quick jaunt out to the West Coast and Camp Pendleton...he'll only be gone for the week and will return Friday evening.  This will make his second TAD trip since coming to NIMA, but they have only been week long trips.  Much better than his last command.  Chuck has settled into his job and is enjoying it very much.  He has still put out his Resume on and had several hits on it and several calls and E-mails...but nothing that he really wants to do when he finally grows up.  God willing, he will be able to keep the web page a little more up-to-date now that he has a little more time on his hands and a lot less stress in his days...despite the growing world situation.  Ultimately though God's Will will be done in our family.  Pray for us as we pray for you all.  God Bless and Keep You and Yours out of harm's way.  Please let us hear from you.  Semper Fidelis.


Date and Time page last updated:
30 June 2003 10:07