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Chapter Twelve: 2011...Another THREE AMIGOS Year!

Seven years...WOW!

For those who appreciate life with amazing cats, here's a look at a typical morning with Gray, Pi, and Kit!

My 'Three Amigos' make it their mission to wake me up EVERY morning between 5-6AM...

Remarkably, this has only resulted in minimal bloodshed, over seven years (and only MY blood; Kit will bite, when all other means to rouse me fail!) Eventually, I stumble into the living room, and let the kids out on the balcony...

Gray and Kit are out the doors in a flash, with Gray beginning his daily "Hello, Kitty Chicks!" howl to the entire neighborhood...Pi is more aristocratic, preferring to sit inside, until the boys finish playing...

She is also the first to sample the food and water...which is never QUITE perfect!

Eventually, the boys come in, with Gray racing to the food bowls to chow down; Kit, however, is a very light eater, and prefers to lounge at the fireplace, across from my new lion statue...

Breakfast finished, Pi lays down under my chair, to 'supervise' my clean-up; Gray gives me a long, loving glance and meow, then bolts to one of his hiding places, for a long nap!

Pi, satisfied that all is well, will hop up on the couch, where she has adjusted some pillows into a day bed, and dozes, ready to jump down and race to the door to greet any company, or to pop into the bedroom to check on me; Kit, who has appointed himself my permanent 'shadow', will stay nearby, all day, begging for treats, and curling up beside me when I take a nap...

...and another early morning dawns into another beautiful day!

Are my cats devoted? As I awake from a morning nap (resting up before a long night shift at my job, outside at the Fremont Street Experience), this is what greets me, at my side!


Everyone should have a cat in their lives!

Cats truly ARE magical!

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Drop back any time...My cats LOVE company!

"One cat just leads to another."
Ernest Hemingway

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