Pet Community

Chapter Six: The Love Affair Continues!

As my family and I enter a new year, and the turmoil of the fire fades, we all share a lot of craziness, and love! Each cat sincerely believes they are the main cat, and demands 'quality' time with me...Gray, the most vocal, despite being 'fixed', still believes he is a stud, strutting around, and really pissing off Pi, occasionally, when he's "In the Mood"! His new thing is to climb up on me, when I'm about to doze off, and walk all over me to make sure I'm okay! Pi, my beautiful 'Princess', stays as close to me as she can, without jumping in my lap (she saves that for any guests!) She disapproves of my smoking, and will glare at me, and stalk away, if I light up, until I put the offending cigarette out! Kit, now approaching his first birthday, is as full of energy and mischief as ever, chasing the other cats around the house, hiding behind the shower curtain to pounce on me in the bathroom, and curling up in my arms as I sit in front of my computer, at night!

They all scratch at the door as I lock it, leaving for work, and run to greet me, as I return home, each jockeying to be the first to get my attention!

If this isn't heaven, it'll do until the real thing comes along!

Summer, 2006...

As another summer of 100+ degree Las Vegas days arrived, I worked outdoors, and Gray, Pi, and Kit kept cool, indoors, finding new ways to get into mischief...

"Hey! Cool box! Where's Gray?"

"Can't a guy get ANY privacy around here???"

"Uh, the cat in the microwave story isn't true...
Is it???"

As always, Pi finds a comfortable position!

Gray and Kit get quality time on the balcony after sunset...

"WHEN does summer END???"

It's hard to believe how big Kit has gotten!

But GRAY is and always will be King of the Domain!

"Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille?"

Fall, 2006...

The kids wait, bored, for me to finish on the computer!

"Any cute Siamese kitties on the Internet?"

"See, if I lie on his pants, he can't go to work, get it?"

Pi and Gray, laid back, two years after the adoption!

"Morning, Ben! Is breakfast ready yet?"

Things seemed about perfect...

...and then Kit disappeared...


"There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person."
- Dan Greenberg

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