Welcome to the Castle of the Chains

The Organisers of the Chain Game sincerely hope you will enjoy your visit.

Previously, this site also held the Palace of the Keys. At that time, the Castle was also here, but it was not the major part of the site.

However, after the recent Tripod disaster, the Chatelaine decided to move the Palace. It is now at http://www.postavalon.com/palace/
The Castle of the Chains, however, did not go with it. The Castle now occupies all of this site.



Most of the works held on this site feature female homosexual sex. All of them refer to it in some form and several feature graphic descriptions of homosexual acts.
If you will be offended by any of this, please leave this site NOW, and the Organisers of the Chain Game recommend you block this site from your browser permanently.


The Castle's Information Desk
for information on the Chain Game - what it is, how to join
The Chain Game
Updates and Works from the Chain Game


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the Chain Game Organisers


The wallpaper of this page was found at