Male Cats

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Here are a few of our wonderful male cats and kittens currently available for adoption.  


What a character this 1 ½ year old guy is! He is the most affectionate fellow, loves good food, great conversation, his chin scratched and his head rubbed while crawling all over your lap; that or snoozing in the sun.  Do you have a TV and a bed? He loves watching TV and will sleep with you in bed.  Puma is INCREDIBLY well behaved and adores the company of my other feline friends and people of all ages; yes even dogs.  What was that you said? You already have a cat? That's great, because he needs a playmate and would be a great companion for another kitty.


Is a very nice boy of 4 months who loves to purr and cuddle, and he is great with kids. He will grow up to be a true prince! He will purr if you pick him up. He will purr if you just look at him the right way and he thinks you might come over and kiss him. He loves laps and will sit and rumble all day if you let him. Hippy is a perfect candidate for any household who has other cats or people he can play with.  Wanna play?


What a character this 1 year old guy is! A loving cat with a lot of love to give, loves to play and would be a great companion for you.  What was that you said? You already have a cat? That's great, because he adores the company of other cats. And of course loves all the attention.  So, if you have a kitty that needs a playmate, and you would like an incredibly good-natured lover boy, Marius is your guy!


Hi. If I were a human, I'd be into all the boy things (except maybe those puppy dog tails)! I am quite the character at weeks of age; extremely affectionate and a very active player with people of all ages, other cats and dogs. I can always adjust to a dog...someone has to love them too, don't they? I do need a home where there will be someone to play with, I am not particular whether it is people or animal. Let’s meet.


Have we met before? No? Well, then I think it is about time. I’m a very loving, loyal companion, who loves hugs and to be held; and allow you to continue for as long as you like. I get along fine with other cats.  Champagne and white, medium hair, I’m a “peach” of a cat if I do say so myself.


A large panther looking, gentle, sweet boy, Morpheus looks to Bowie to show him the way. He just seems to have never had the opportunity to blossom. When placed, if not with Bowie, Morpheus will need another buddy to be his companion. In the stability and warmth of a permanent home, we believe Morpheus’s shyness would be readily overcome.  We’re sure he will warm up quickly to become an affectionate member of the family. Is this you?


Ahoy, Matee....I'm a 2 month old bundle of fun and mischief with the battle scars to prove it!  I only have one eye, but it's a good one.  I see everything -- and I love to play.  Let's get into some trouble together!


I'm 8 months old, very playful, get along well with all people, other cats, and even dogs, as long as they know who's the boss. Did you say you have a bed for me to sleep on…I’d love to sleep on yours. To boot, I’m not even a picky eater! I would really like a permanent place to call home.  Is that yours?


My name is Gaffer.  I’ve been told I look regal, majestic, and even gorgeous.  I would never disregard those kind of compliments (partly because they’re true), but I’m just Gaffer.  If you read a little closer, I’ll tell you a secret…I’m still a kitten at heart.  I love to play with any toy, even those fake mice, but I could also easily entertain myself simply with a rolled up piece of paper.  Just a little Post-It Note® rolled up is all it takes.  In the end, ignoring the comments that I look like a lion, I love to just rub up against my owner, purring away, and stay close.  There’s nothing like a warm lap to sit on – or the pet of a loving hand. Now I need to find a new home.  The other cat in this house is always picking a fight with me.  It’s been about three months (on a human calendar), and I don’t know what I said or did to upset her, but I’m just tired of it.  Can you help?  Nine year old Birman.  Please contact Michael at (818) 512-1905 or email at