To the right are a list of links to short stories and a couple pictures. There is a lot to know about me. I wish I could write it all down and share it with anyone who happens upon this web-page, but to be honest, I really don't want anyone to know me. I know that is worthy of hours and hours of therapy, but it's me.
I could tell you a little about myself. I move to Reno from Los Angeles like five years ago. I don't like it here. I'm not sure if I would like any place right now.
I'm single ... I've never been sure if I want to be single, or single wants to be me. I don't have a terrible problem with dating, or being in a relationship, but I never am ... in one that is. I don't have any answers. I wish I did.
I'm a huge really dumb television fan. I dig Dawson's Creek, and Star Trek, and anything else that takes up time.
Well read on if you want. I think a lot of my stories are good. E-Mail me if you have any comments.