The Beach

Printable Coloring Pages for Beach Theme: Beach

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Crafts & Activities

Sand Clay
1 cup sand
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 tsp. cream of tartar
3/4 cup hot water

Mix sand, cornstarch and cream of tartar in an old saucepan. Add hot water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture is very thick. This will only take a few minutes. When slightly cooled, form clay into castles or structures. Allow several days to dry. The children shape their castles and then insert toothpicks for flagpoles where they want flags to go. Once dry, glue felt flags to the end of the toothpicks.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Shell Creatures
Use shells for the base of your creature. Using a glue gun, pom poms, pipecleaners, googly eyes, etc, have the children create a creature to sit on the shell. Crabs, turtles, and frogs are all easy to do.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sponge Painting
Get a natural sea sponge and have the children dip in paint to make a picture.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sand Moulds
Use wet sand to make moulds of hands, feet, or free form moulds that the children create. Mix plaster of paris according to directions on box and pour into mould. Let dry for about an hour and remove the sculpture. Let dry for a day and then brush the remaining sand off the sculpture with a toothbrush. Paint and shellac if you wish.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Starfish Rubbings
Cut a starfish shape out of sandpaper. Have the children put a paper over the starfish and rub with crayons to make the textured picture.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Shell Butterflies
To make a butterfly: Take two shells (like clam shells) and hot glue them together like this: )( and then hot glue pieces of bird feather or pipe cleaner to make antennae
Submitted by Chrissie (C3ZH)

Coloured Sand Pictures
Colour sand by mixing it with dry tempera paint. Put in shakers (I use old spice bottles). Children place glue on their papers and sprinkle the coloured sand onto the paper. Shake off the excess sand when dry. Older children can cut out a pattern picture and place onto another piece of paper. Have them remove one piece at a time and place glue in the area the piece was making sure that the glue is the same shape as the piece removed. Then they sprinkle the sand on just that piece. They continue removing the pattern piece by piece and when they are done, the picture will show up in the coloured sand - these are a little tricky to do so definitely for the school age set, but they are so beautiful when done! The younger children will enjoy gluing and shaking the different coloured sand to make a colourful picture.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Personalized Beach Towels
This will be a reasonably priced craft if you have the parents have each child bring in their own beach towel - plain coloured, can be old or new! Purchase beach oriented stamps such as shells, sun, clams, lobster, fish, etc and fabric paints in a variety of colours. Children use the stampers with the fabric paints to stamp a pattern or picture onto their towels. If you have alphabet stamps, the children can use those to personalize their towels. If not, they can write their names on using the fabric paint.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Cut a sunglass shape from bristle board. You can cut the whole shape arms and front of the glasses and just bend the arms of the glasses for wearing or bend and attach pipecleaners to fit the glasses on - I find that the pipecleaner arms work better. Cut coloured celophane paper to glue over the hole where the lens would be. These are for indoor play and should not be worn in the bright sun for eye safety reasons.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sea Shell Mosaic
Use tiny shells or crush big ones.
Submitted by (DADSKID)

make little 'thong sandals" out of fun foam.
Submitted by Sherry Ann(SHERRANN)

Eat lunch on beach towels spread on the floor (or outside if you live in a clement climate).
Submitted by (DADSKID)

Beach Bingo
Make your own bingo cards with stamps, stickers and/or drawings of sand pails, beach balls, shovels, shells, starfish, towels, bare feet/footprints, kites, beach chairs, umbrellas, whatever you can find or draw.
Submitted by (DADSKID)

Math Activity
Shell sorting. Set up a table with different types of shells and children can sort according to size, shape, colour, etc.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Sand Play. Use different sands all week - start with dry sand and let the children dig, sift, and hide objects. Add a little water, shovels, and pails to the water another day. Then finally, really wet the sand and create castles, moats, etc.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Beach Bally Relay
This is SOOOO funny to watch! Have the children place a small beach ball between their legs. They then walk across the room (or yard) and drop the ball into a large pail without using their hands.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Beach Bally Volley
Pass a beach ball around the circle by volleying it in the air and see how long you can keep it up without having it hit the ground.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Beach Bally Volleyball
Set up a net and seperate the children into two teams. Have them volley the beachball over the net to each other.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Special Day
Beach Day. Have the children come in their bathing suits. Set up a beach area and a sand area. Use a balloon or beach ball to play volleyball. Set up beach ball painting (very messy so have the sprinkler ready!). Enjoy a picnic in the sun. Hide shells and plastic creatures such as crabs, starfish, etc. around the yard and have the children go on a hunt for them.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)


Song - Sing a Song of Seashells
(sung to "Sing a Song of Sixpence")

Sing a song of seashells
waiting just for you.
Some of them are shiny
Some are white and blue.

When you pick a shell up,
Hold it to your ear.
If you're very quiet
An ocean you will hear!

Oh Mr. Sun

Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun
Won't you please shine down on me
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun
Hiding behind the tree
These little children are asking you
To please come out so they can play with you
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun
Won't you please shine down on
Please shine down on, please shine down on me!

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