
Printable Coloring Pages for Bees: Bee

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Crafts & Activities

Egg Cup Bees
Cut egg carton into pairs of cups. Paint yellow and black.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Honey Comb Stamping
Take a hexagon shape from a shape sorter and stamp into yellow paint to design a honeycomb on paper. Children can draw in bees when dry if they wish.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Pom Pom Bees
Glue a black pom pom in between two yellow ones. Add googly eyes and felt wings. These are TOO CUTE! If the children want to add a stinger (mine did) use a small triangle of felt to glue onto the back.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bee Hats
Cut a large strip of yellow construction paper. Let children draw on black stripes. Staple for a hat. Glue black pompoms to pipecleaners and then attach to hat.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Tube Bee Finger Puppet
Paint a t.p. tube black. When dry, add yellow strips of paper and antenna. The kids can slip their fingers in these to make their bees buzz around the room.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Science Activity
Set up pictures of the different types of bees for children to view and observe. They are amazingly different. Add fast facts like did you know that only the female bumble bees have stingers, but both the male and female honey bees have stingers!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Honey Tasting. Check out the different forms that honey can be purchased in. Taste the honey in each form and see if there is any difference.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bumblebee Dance
Show the children how the bee communicates with other members of the hive. Then, put on the music and watch the little ones do a communication dance of their own!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Special Day
Bee Day - have the children come in bee costumes or yellow and black. Dine on honey dishes like sweet and sour chicken wings, honey graham crackers, and honey cakes. And who loves honey more than anyone else ever did? Why Pooh Bear of course... enjoy the movie 'Pooh Bear and the Honey Tree'.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Never Bother with a Bee

Never bother with a bee,
He has got a stingeree,
Be he worker, be he drone
You had best leave him alone

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