
Printable Coloring Pages for Bubbles: Bubbles

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Crafts & Activities

Bubble Pictures
Add food colouring to water and a bit of dish soap to a paint pot or similiar container. Place a piece of white paper under the container. Give the children a straw and tell them to BLOW... * make sure your children are old enough that they are not going to mistakenly drink this solution! This makes really neat bubble marks on paper as the bubbles overflow the container and burst on the paper.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bubble Wands
Provide pipecleaners and let the children bend and twist them to create their own bubble wands.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bubble Wrap Painting
Cut squares or shapes from bubble wrap. Have the children dip the wrap into a shallow pan of paint bubble side down and then place on paper to make prints.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bubble Clay
Use Ivory Snow and water. Beat until stiff. This 'clay' can be moulded and left to harden.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Science Activity
Bubble Experiment. Why are bubbles round? Use different sizes and shapes of wands/containers to make bubbles. A berry basket works great for this - the holes are square, but the bubbles are round.... why?
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Water Play. Add soap to the waterplay table. Add dolls and washcloths for bathing. Hand whisks and hand beaters for making bubbles. Experiment with coloured water - does adding food colouring to the water change the colour of the bubbles?
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

My guys absolutely LOVE this. I put dishwashing soap on the table and give them a spray bottle to spray their soap. Then the children use their hands and rub fast to make a lather that they can fingerpaint on the table with.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Bubble Race
Set up a sheet of bubble wrap and have the children try to walk/run/move across it without popping any of the bubbles.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Special Day
Bubble Day. Mix different types of bubble solutions and see which one works best. Try making super bubbles with two wands and a string tied between.
Bubble Recipes
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Songs, Poems, & Fingerplays
Tiny Tim
sung to:"I have a Little Pussy"

I have a little turtle
His name is Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub
to see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water
and ate up all the soap
Now he has the hiccups
from bubbles in his throat!

My Bubble Bath

Once I'm in my bubble bath
I like to stir up more.
Half the suds go in my eyes
And half go on the floor.

The fun is in the bubbles 'cause
They giggle on my skin,
And when I stick them on my face
They dangle from my chin.

And when I splash them hard enough
They pop and disappear,
And then my bath time's over 'cause
I've made the water clear.
Submitted by Carlyn (CARLYNR)

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