Canada Day Theme

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Crafts & Activities

-Use the recipe to make 3D squeeze bottle paint. Squeeze the paint out in a fireworks pattern on black construction paper and sprinkle with glitter.
1 part flour
1 part salt
1 part water
powdered tempera paint
Mix together the flour, salt, and water. Separate into squeeze containers (such as mustard) and stir in desired colours of tempera paint. Mix well, attach lid to squeeze bottle and squeeze paint onto heavy paper such as cardboard or bristle board. It will glitter when dry.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

- Poke small holes in black construction paper and then use clear contact paper and cover the middle with all different colors tiny pieces of bright tissue paper. place the construction paper over the clear contact paper and tissue scraps. tape on a sunny window....looks like fireworks when the sun shines through...We use a pencil to poke the holes and I usually round them out a little more so they dont close back up when you lay it on top of the tissue paper.
Submitted by Leah (MSLEAH)

- Use black construction paper and make fireworks using net scrubbies that you use washing your pots and pans. Mix tempera paint in a tray and add paper towels to make more of a stamp pad. The paper towel should be wet not soaking. Too much paint and it won't work. Touch the scrubbie to the paper towel and press on paper. I have gold tempera which really looks spectacular. Use white and red as well and add glitter to the paint. It is a great effect on the black paper.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

- Using a black piece of construction paper, straws, and various colored paint allow the children to drop a small amount of paint onto paper and gently blow through the straw for fireworks in the sky effects.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

Cut maple leaves from red construction paper and thread onto string placing red and white beads between the leaves or thread red and white beads onto string and center one large maple leaf cut from red fun foam in the center. Tie for a necklace.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Flag Hats
Cut red construction paper to fit around child's head. Add white in the middle and glue a maple leaf in the center of the white piece. Staple to fit heads
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Firecracker Hats
have children decorate a piece of paper that will fit around their head with red and white collage materials. Tape 2 inch pieces of straws around the top of the hat. Cut small squares of red and white crepe paper - tape at one end and cut into strips up to the tape to create streamers. Fill the inside of the straw with the streamers. You may need a dab of glue to keep them in place.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Take a large sheet of newspaper and fold in half. Start at one corner and roll into a long stick shape. Tape. Children can color newspaper with markers/paint, etc. Attach crepe paper streamers or strips of tissue paper at one end (or anywhere)with a glue stick. Decorate with red and white stickers. Can be used for a parade, dancing, etc.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

Playdoh Fun
Set out red and white and let the children's imaginations run wild.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

Sensory Table
Place red colored water in the sensory table with pitchers, measuring cups and other containers to allow the children to experience measurement.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

Set up the housekeeping area with items you would take along on a picnic. Have the children pretend to make sandwiches and gather items to bring with. Then allow them to imagine what they'd do while they were picnicking.
Submitted by Sandy (LILBRITCHES)

Use construction paper and a large straw to make your country's flag to wave proudly.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Roman Candles
Make roman candles from empty toilet paper rolls and cover them with paper. Decorated with glitter glue. Glue on fake flames and a string fuse.
Submitted by Leah (MSLEAH)

Sponge Painting
Cut maple leaves from sponge and dip in red paint and stamp onto paper.
Submitted by Leah (MSLEAH)

Bulletin Board Idea
Take black construction paper and using that as background. Then take toilet paper (empty) and paint them red. Then do the children's handprints in different coloured paint... red and white. Cut the handprints out and sprinkle with glitter. Then staple to the inside of toilet paper roll (wrist part) Hanging them so the fingers hang down. They will look like firecrackers. Title the board... MY LITTLE FIRECRACKERS!
Submitted by Kim (KIDSKORNERDC)


O Canada

O Canada! Our home and native land.
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Ô Canada

Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux.
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillant exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.


Patriotic Cake
Bake a rectangle cake according to directions. Ice with whip cream and add strawberries for the sides of the Canadian flag and layer strawberries in the center for a maple leaf.
Submitted by Sharon (GRITS4EVR)

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