Nutrition - Dairy Group

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Crafts & Activities

Pudding Painting
Mix up some chocolate (or any other colourful flavour) instant pudding following package directions and finger paint with it.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Dairy Duo Craft
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Paper Plate Moo Mask
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Science Activities
Make Butter. Put Whipping Cream into a clean baby food jar and secure the lid on tightly. Have the children take turns shaking the cream until it forms into butter. Taste on crackers.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Milk a Cow. Cut out a large cow shape from cardboard and attach a vinyl glove to it with staples. Poke small holes in the fingertips of the glove using a needle and put milk into the glove. Add a stool for sitting on and a bucket for catching the milk and have the children practice milking a cow.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Name that Cheese. Cheeses have many different odours, pick up various types of chees and have the children taste and smell the cheese and then identify the different types.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Special Day
Using the 5 Dairy Cow Finger Puppets and these dairy food finger puppets set up a dairy tasting day. Visit Nutrition Explorations Dairy Treat Day page for activity ideas which includes a food tasting passport to print out.

5 Dairy Cows Fingerplay

1-2-3-4-5 dairy cows
Standing by the gate.
"Hurry, farmer," said the five,
"We'd better not be late."
1-2-3-4-5 dairy cows
Farmer said, "Let's go."
We need to get the milk to town
So children can grow strong bones.

Cow Finger Puppets for use with 5 Dairy Cows fingerplay.

Dairy Treat Day
Sung to "The Farmer in the Dell"

5 dairy cows are here to show you how
You'll love to taste their dairy treats, they'll make your mouth go WOW.
It's a dairy treat day, a dairy treat day
And when we eat those dairy treats, healthy we will stay!

Dairy Treat Day words and music sheet.

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