
Printable Coloring Pages for Ladybugs: Ladybug

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Crafts & Activities

Paper Plate Ladybugs
Colour or paint one paper plate black and the other one red. Cut the red plate in half. Attach the red halves to the black plate using brads so the wings can move. Add black circles to the red plate .
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Ladybug Bowl
Paint a paper bowl red. Add googly eyes and black spots.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Pom Pom Ladybugs
Glue a medium sized pom pom to a red one for the head and body of your ladybug. Add small black pom poms for the spots.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Thumbprint Ladybugs
Use a red stamp pad to stamp thumb prints on a piece of paper. Use markers to draw in the background of the picture and to add spots to the ladybugs.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Ladybug Garden Decorations
Have each child find a round rock that is a ladybug shape. Paint with waterproof paint (we used fabric paint that was slightly watered down and they still look great after weathering it outdoors for 2 years!) Paint the rock red, let dry. Add the black spots. Find a nice spot in the garden to put your very special ladybug.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Potato Print Ladybugs
Use a potato cut in half and dipped into red paint to stamp the body of the ladybug. When dry cut circles out of construction paper to add the spots onto the ladybugs.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Math Activity
Decorate small milk cartons as ladybug homes. Number the houses 1 - 10. Cut out 10 ladybugs and add spots 1 to 10 on them. Laminate for durability if you wish. Have the children match the ladybugs to their homes by counting the spots and matching to the correct numeral.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Textured Ladybugs. Have ladybugs set up with different materials for the spots. The children can identify the textures through touch.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Ladybug Tag
One child is chosen to be the ladybug. He/She must catch the aphids (the rest of the children) for lunch. Once an aphid has been caught, it is 'devoured' by the ladybug and becomes part of the ladybug team. Start over once all aphids have been caught.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Special Day
Have a ladybug party. Children can dress in red and black. Eat red and black food and play ladybug games. You can purchase live ladybugs at a nursery to release at your party... a few years ago I did this and there were over 1,000 ladybugs in the bag. It was an awesome sight letting them go!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Ladybug Song
Sung to:Yankee Doodle

Ladybugs are in my yard
Just look at them devour
Those pesky aphids on the leaves
Of all my pretty flowers.


Ladybug Cake

1 chocolate cake mix (or mix of your choice
round chocolate cookies
black licorice for wings
1 container white icing (or make own) and add red food colouring to it
Mix and bake cake according to package directions. When cool, ice with red frosting. Add cookies for the spots and licorice to form the wings.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

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