Letter "Ee"

Printable Coloring Pages for Letter "Ee" elephant

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Crafts & Activities

Prop Box Idea for the Letter E - Engineer (train) - small chairs, hats , tickets, a hole punch, rubber stamps, ink pads, table, old suitcases (small), and pictures of trains, conductor's hat and vest, dress up clothes for traveller's, train whistle.

Make a Display Box for "Ee"
Decorate a box with the letter "Ee" theme. Inside the box place items (or pictures of items) whose names begin with "Ee". Some ideas below:
eggs, eggplant, english muffins, eggnog,
Animals, Insects & Birds
elephant, emu, eagle, eel, elk,
ears, earth, eight, elbow, electricity, eleven, elm tree, emotions, engine, engineer, envelope, Eskimo, evening, everyone, eye eyeball, eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid,

Or fill an album with items that begin with the letter "Ee"

Recognizing the Letter "Ee"
Introduce the letter "E" to the children by showing them the written word "elephant or egg" and helping them to see that it begins with an "Ee". Cut a large elephant or egg shape out of paper and write the letter "Ee" on it. Have the children tear or cut out magazine pictures beginning with the letter "Ee" and then glue the pictures on the shape.

An "Egg"cellent Idea! Submitted by Kim (luv2selldots)
Take a white crayon and have them draw pictures or write their names on a cooled hardboiled egg. Then dye them just like at easter time. When they get up from nap they have a wonderful snack.

More "Ee" ideas submitted by Ruth (ruthjrc)

Songs, Finger Plays & Nursery Rhymes

Right foot, left foot, see me go.
Put weight on one foot, then the other, swaying from side to side.
I am gray and big and very slow.
When I come walking down the street
I bring my trunk and four big feet.
Extend arms together in front and swing like a trunk.

Stories to Read Aloud

Where Can an Elephant Hide? by David McPhail

The Elephant's Wish by Bruno Munari

Effie by Beverly Allinson

Elephant in a Well by Marie H. Ets

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

Cheesy Scrambled Egg Submtted by Linda (lindafh)
Makes 4 servings (1/2 english muffin each)
1 tblsp margarine
4 eggs
2 tblsp. processed cheese spread or cream cheese
2 english muffins, halved and toasted
4 process cheese food slices Deviled Egg Boats Submtted by Linda (lindafh)
hard boiled eggs (one whole per child), cooled
mayo type dressing
1/2 to 1 tsp. mustard (depending on your taste)
salt & pepper
Small Crackers (one per egg half)

Chill hard boiled eggs. Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Scoop out yolk and place in small bowl. Place egg white halves on a plate. Mix together the yolks, dressing, mustard, salt & pepper (to taste)....blending well. (The mustard is there to put in a little color...but if you prefer to taste the "zing"...then adjust for your own taste!) Spoon the yolk mixture back into the hole of the egg white. Stick a square cracker, point down, into the yolk mixture for a sail.

Note: You could also use a pretzel stick and a cheese slice cut into triangles as a sail!.

English Muffin Pizzas Submtted by Linda (lindafh)
8 english muffin halves
1 tsp of pizza sauce per half
toppings: pepperoni, pineapple, salami, bacon, vegies, ......your choice!
shredded mozzarella cheese (try cheddar or swiss or ???)

Place 1 tsp. of pizza sauce on each muffin half. Add toppings and cheese. Place in a 350o oven just until cheese melts. About 5 minutes. These are fun to make...the kids love to help! We build a face on ours on top of the cheese with cut up toppings - that way the kids recognize their own creations - when they come out of the oven!

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