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Crafts & Activities

Shape Penguin
Cut out one large black circle, one medium black circle and one medium white circle. The medium and large black circles are the head and body of the penguin. The white circle is for the belly. Have children glue together and add face and feet.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Clay pot penguin
You will need to glue two clay pots of equal size together to form the head/body. Paint black except for the face part and tummy which you will paint white. Let dry. Add beak and flippers from fun foam. Add googly eyes.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Snow Scene
Have children build a winter wonderland scene inside a shoebox (diaramaa) or on a piece of cardboard (display scene). Provide scissors, glue, white paper, cotton, cotton balls, glitter, etc. Once complete and glue is dry, have the children mould penguins from clay to add to their diarama.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Felt Penguins
Cut a penguin shape (x2) out of black felt. Cut a white face/tummy shape and glue onto one piece of the felt. Using a hot glue gun, glue the 2 pieces of black felt together 3/4 way. Stuff with cotton balls then close completely. Add face and feet with scrap pieces of felt. You can make these any size you want - if making larger penguins, using batting to stuff.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

T. P. Roll Penguin
Paint a t.p. roll black, let dry. Cut a white face/tummy from construction paper and glue on. Add face and cut feet from orange construcion paper to glue to the bottom of the roll. These are cute, can stand, and can be added to the snow scene idea if you would like.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Penguin Door Stops
Save 2 liter drink bottles, spray paint white, fill with sand, cut out wings from black felt, beak and feet from orange, a bow tie of yarn and 2 wiggle eyes hot glued on.
Submitted by Leah (ABCSAND123S)

Paper Bag Penguins
Stuff a paper lunch bag with newspaper, fold over the top, and staple closed. Paint the entire bag black and let dry. Cut a white body from construction paper and glue onto the front of the penguin. Add eyes and a beak. Cut feet from construction paper and glue to the bottom of the bag.
-- Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Film Canister Penguins
35mm film container with its lid (body)
2 5mm wiggle eyes
1 1"x11/2" piece of white construction paper (stomach)
1 2"x2" piece of black construction paper (flippers)
1 piece of orange construction paper for feet and beak

Glue the eyes near the top of the container. Cut the oval from the white paper. Glue it below the eyes. Fold the black paper in half. Draw one flipper. Cut through both thicknesses. Glue the flippers in place. Cut a heart shape from the orange paper. Glue it to the bottom of the container with the tip of the heart pointing to the back of the penguin, for feet. Cut a diamond shaper from the orange paper. Fold it in half. Glue the bottom half of the diamond to the film container as the beak.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Penguin and iceberg
drink trays
toilet paper roll

A great art idea is to take a tray from Duncan Donuts (the ones they put the coffees in) Turn it upside down and paint it white, to make an iceberg. Then take a toilet paper roll and paint it black and white. Add the feet and beak by cutting out orange construction paper and gluing them on. Add googly eyes. Glue the penguins to the icebergs.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Ice Cube Painting
Penguin pattern
orange and black powdered paint
ice cube with Popsicle stick

Freeze Popsicle sticks into ice cubes. Cut out white penguin shapes. Have the children sprinkle the paint on the penguin and paint with an ice cube on a stick. Variation: Use black paper and paint with white and orange powdered paint.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Salt Shaker Penguins
Penguin pattern

Cut out black penguin shapes. Have the children use glue and salt in shakers to cover the parts of the penguin that should be white.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Science Activities
Types of Penguins
Have a table set up with pictures of different types of penguins. Label and add small facts with each picture.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Math Activities
Penguin & Fish - Cut out several penguins and place a numeral on their belly. Provide cutout fish (or fishy crackers) for children to count and match.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Snowball Counting
Place numbers in a muffin tin. Use cotton balls for snowballs. Children count the correct number of snowballs into each tin to match the numeral at the bottom of each section.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Penguin Movements

Children move like penguins. If you do this outdoors and you are lucky to have snow, children can use crazy carpets on low-grade hills to belly slide like penguins. You can measure how far they can go for an added math experience!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, Penguin
Play Polar Bear, Polar Bear, Penguin using the format of Duck, Duck, Goose. When the last person is tapped with the word penguin, the 2 involved students must waddle around the circle like a penguin as fast as they can, and try to reach the empty spot first.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Penguin Shuffle Game
Males protect the eggs by balancing them on their feet. Have each child place a bean bag on the their feet and shuffle from one place to another without losing the bean bag "egg".
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Penguin Races
Tie ankles together with a scarf and let them waddle across the room like penguins.
Submitted by Leah (ABCSAND123S)

Penguin Sliding
If you have snow this time of year, have children slide down a small hill on their bellies - just like penguins entering the cold Arctic waters!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)


10 Little Penguins
Ten little penguins
Sliding on the ice.
My, Oh my, don't they look nice?
Then one fell down and landed with frown.
Nine little penguins
Sliding on the ice.
My, Oh my, don't they look nice?
Then one fell down and landed with frown.

(repeat until one penguin remains)

One little penguin
Sliding on the ice.
My, oh my, doesn't he look nice?
Then he fell down and landed with a frown.
No more penguins sliding on the ice! PenguinsMrs. Alphabet

Penguins are black and white
Dressed in tuxedos what a sight.
Living together in the ice and snow
Sloshing, sliding, and skating to and fro.

Submitted by Kim (KIDSKORNERDC)

Peter Penguin

Peter Peter Penguin marching by
Toes pointed out and head held high.
Long, black coat, and clean white vest.
Peter, Peter Penguin you're the best.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

I’m a Little Penguin
Sung to: "I’m a little teapot"

I'm a little penguin
Round and fat
Here is my beak,
Here is my hat.
Winter days are coming,
Hear me shout,
"Please don't toss
My mittens out!"
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

I'm A Chubby Penguin
Sung to: "I'm A Little Teapot"

I'm a chubby penguin; aren't I cute?
I'm a bird in a penguin suit.
My suit has thick feathers, black and white.
I can't fly, but I swim all right!
I can waddle round on my webbed feet.
Fresh fish are what I like to eat.
I have lots of fat to keep me warm.
My flippers help me swim along.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Title: How Much Is That Penquin?
Sung to: How Much Is That Doggy In The Window

How much is that penguin in the window?
The one is the black and white suit.
How much is that penguin in the window?
I do think that penguin's so cute.
Submitted by Mary-Jane (MJG8)

Title: I'm A Little Penquin
Sung to: I'm A Little Teapot

I'm a little penquin in the snow.
I slide on my tummy to and fro.
I eat the fish from the deep blue sea.
I'm black and white, just look at me.
Submitted by Mary-Jane (MJG8)


Veggie Penguins
You will need: 2 black olives, 1 toothpick, cream cheese, slice of carrot (to create a circle). Slice carrot to create a circle, cut a small triangle out of the circle (this becomes the feet). Stack 2 black olives (vertically) on top of the carrot slice and secure with a toothpick. Use triangle shape from carrot to make the nose (press into top olive). You can slice the bottom olive, or leave alone and add cream cheese to create the white belly of the penguin
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

Oreo Penguins
Open one Oreo-the crème side is the white belly. Break the chocolate piece in half for wings, and position on belly. Put a whole oreo above the body for the head. Add face with decorator icing, or by sticking on mini M&M’s for the eyes, and part of an orange one for the beak.
Submitted by Beth (RYJACK16)

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