The Hat

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Crafts & Activities

Hat Character Puppets
Have children create stick puppets of the characters of the story and use to retell the story in their own words.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Newsprint Hats
These are SO cool, but definitely for the older kids. Take a piece of large newsprint paper (the thin paper you buy for easels) and form it to the child's head and tape around the outside with masking tape so it will stay in place. The children work in pairs and the partner paints white glue onto the newsprint paper covering it. Keep going until you have several layers done. Children can decide on what type of hat they want and form it accordingly. Remove carefully and let dry. When dry, the kids can paint these and they can actually be worn!
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Take a styrofoam cup. Put a lid on it(secure lid with tape). lay it on it's side and near the rim start cutting an oval that reaches the middle of the cup. Fill it with dirt and add grass seed. Decorate the base of the cup as hedgie's face. Water the grass seed and leave in a sunny area and watch hedgie's 'prickles' grow.
Submitted by Mandy (ITSMANDY)

Sock Hats
Staple together two sock patterns made quite large leaving the rim of hat open so when stapled together the rim of sock will fit on the child's head.
Submitted by Mandy (ITSMANDY)

Math Activity
Hat Match - Have different shaped hats cut out and laminated. Trace the hat shape on a piece of paper and colour in black. Children match the correct hat to the shadow shape.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Sensory Activity
Add snow to a rubbermaid container or your water table. Set up a farm and plastic animals from the story. Add props for hats for the animals. Provide mittens for the children to wear when playing in the snow.
Submitted by Mandy (ITSMANDY)

Wacky Hat Day
Have children wear their silliest hat.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)


A Silly Hat
A silly hat, a silly hat
I wear it on my head cause that's where it's at
And I know it looks as funny as can be.
A silly hat, a silly hat
I wear it on my head cause that's where it's at
And I like it cause it feels like part of me.
It may be too big or it may be too little
It might even have a whole in the middle
It might be coloured red or blue or green
And if someone saw my silly hat
That I had on my head cause that's where it's at
They'd think it was the funniest thing they'd seen
But I like it cause it feels a part of me!

My Hat it Has Three Corners
My hat it has three corners
Three corners has my hat
If it didn't have three corners
It wouldn't be MY hat.

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