Valentine's Day

Printable Coloring Pages for Valentine's Day: Happy Heart Friends   Heart

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Crafts & Activities

Arts & Crafts Supplies
As well as the usual everyday supplies, pick up a few of these items to have on hand for your valentine arts & crafts:

Tip: Stock up on these items during the "after Valentine's Day sales" in February! Store them in a special theme box for next year!

Valentine Crown

Construction paper (white and red)

Cut a 2 inch wide strip of red paper long enough to fit around your head. Tape the ends
together. Cut two more strips of paper, each 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. Fold one strip in half and make a 2 inch cut in the center. Glue that strip from one side of the headband to the other. Glue the second strip on so that the band is divided into quarters. Tuck and glue the center of the second strip into the cut of the first. Cut a heart and glue into the center. Decorate the crown with hearts cut from white paper.

Surprise Valentine Tube

Paper towel tube
red tissue paper
aluminum foil
snack food

Cut a section from a paper towel tube to make it a little shorter. For a hanlde, tape the ends of a piece of yarn to the inside of each tube end. Cut and glue a strip of red tissue paper around the edge of each end of the tube. Cut slits in the tissue for fringe. Cover the tube with glue and aluminum foil. Add cut paper hearts. place small snack food inside the middle of the tube. Stuff the tube ends with crumpled tissue paper.

Stuffed Hearts
Cut two large construction paper hearts and decorate with a special valentine message. Punch holes along the edges and lace together with yarn or ribbon, leaving several inches open. Stuff with crumpled tissue paper, finish lacing, and tie a bow (to center the bow ask the kids start their lacing at the point on the bottom or in the dip in the center of the "V"!)

Flower Pots For Mom
Start with a small plastic flower pot, trace kids hands on construction paper of differnt colors. (We used red and pink) Then make little flowers out of construcion paper, can be
little hearts also. I put styrofoam in the bottom of flower pot. Poke Green pipe cleaners through the middle of the hearts and or flowers, and use cool melt glue gun to attach candy hearts or kisses on the top of flowers and hearts. Stick the flowers in the styrofoam ,stick a hand print or two in with them . You can use plastic easter grass or paper shredded so you cant see the styrofoam. One year instead of flower pots we used Formula cans and covered with construction paper and painted our hand prints on the can.

Red, White and Pink Art
Let children create their own designs with red, white and pink markers, crayons or paint.

Candy Cane Valentine Cards
Using the candy canes that you have left over as valentine cards. You take two canes and they make the shape of a heart. You glue them on a card and write something nice inside!

Heart Rubbings
Cut heart shapes from paper doilies or sandpaper. Tape these hearts to the table. Have the children place a piece of thin white paper over the hearts and rub with a crayon.

Loving Hands Valentine
You won't find these love birds on any store bought card because they're made from your child's own handprints. Whether they sport the stubby silhouette of a preschooler's tiny fingers or the slender digits of a preteen piano player, these cards will add new meaning to the word "handmade".
10 X 7" piece of red card stock
1 Sheet of white paper
5 X 7" piece of purple art paper
Glue stick
10 inches of red satin ribbon
1)Create a crisp fold on the red card stock by scoring it; simply place a ruler where the foldwill be(making each half 5 by 7 inches) and run the knife along the ruler without cutting all the way throught the paper. Fold the card in half along the score line. 20Have your child trace her hands, fingers splayed out to the sides and thumbs almost toughing on white paper. 3)Reduce the tracing to fit your card on a copy machine at your local library or copy center. (Tip for parents of toddlers who can't sit still long enough to trace both hands; photocopy one hand's tracing, cut it out and flip it over for a perferct match.) 4)Draw a pen dot on each paper thumb for the birds' eyes. 5)Cut out the handprints. 6)Glue the purple paper to the front of the card 7) Glue the lovebirds and a small paper heart onto the card, the heart in middle with the lovebirds beaks just at the bottom of the heart. 8)Punch two holes at the top of the card (through the front and the back). Thread the ribbon through the front tow holes and tie. 9)Add a hand some message to the inside of the card.

Holiday Hairpieces
Have the children cut out 4 hearts and glue together point side in. Add a smaller heart to the center of the flower. Tape a pipecleaner stem to the petals and add construction paper leaves.

Valentine Candles
Glue a red heart doilie to a small styrofoam plate, tape a package of Rolo chocolates to the center of the heart, add a Hershey's hug or kiss flame by wrapping it in yellow tissue paper and attaching it to the top of the Rolo, When done, add a pink or red ribbon with a heart attached with a valentine saying such as... "You shine the Brightest Valentine" or "You light up my life Valentine"

Heart People
Have children cut out a large heart from red or pink construction paper. They can use strips of paper (folded accordian style if they like) for the arms and legs. Smaller hearts can be added for hands and feet. Use markers to draw on a face or cut from paper.

Heart Necklaces
Have precut hearts with holes punched in the centers and fat straws cut into 2 inch pieces.. Children string the hearts onto a piece of wool with the straw pieces in between the hearts.

Provide markers, glue, glitter, stickers, paper, etc, for children to create valentines for each other.

Make Holiday Hairpieces for your kids!
Using playdough make several small heart shapes. Let dry. When dry paint with red, pink or white tempera paint. Hot glue the small hearts to old hair barrettes, add some ribbon and you have some festive holiday hair clips.

Valentine Mailboxes
Give each child a small box (a shoe box works great). Cut a small slit in the top for all their Valentine deliveries! Let the children decorate their mailbox with a variety of items (see above list for ideas!)

Sweetheart Roses
Craft a bouquet of candy flowers for your buds. These valentines - pretty pink roses made from chocolate kisses - will let someone know you're sweet on them. With a little help, your kids can make enough to give to all their friends. For each one, first form the bud by taping two foil-wrapped candies bottom to bottom. Drape a 5 inch square of pink plastic wrap over the top of one kiss, then gather the edges and twist them into a tail. Tightly twist the top of a green pipe cleaner around the tail for the stem.

At that point, add leaves by holding a strip of green tissure paper against the stem and rolling the pipe cleaner around the center of the strip. Trim the leaves so that they have pointy tips, and wrap green tape around the stem portion above the leaves to reinforce it.

Heart Lunch Bags
Decorate your kids brown paper lunch bags for the occasion. Use potatoes cut in half and carved into the shape of hearts. Dip in paint and press onto paper bags. Use red, white and pink paints for that festive touch.

Shades of Pink
Discuss how the color pink is made. Supply the children with red and white paint and a piece of white paper. Ask the children to mix the colors to find their favorite shade of pink. Linda (LINDAFH)

Fancy Mobile
Have your child punch holes in his/her valentines, thread and hang them from a hanger to create a mobile. Or take two hangers and cross them; hang valentines from them. Hang finished mobile from a curtain rod or picture hook.

Heart Shaped Potato Prints
Create your own potato stamp! Cut a large potato in half and press a heart shaped cookie cutter into the cut end of the potato. With a sharp knife cut around the outside of the heart shape (about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep) making sure that the heart shape is completely flat to make a good impression. Let the children stamp with the potato stamps with tempera paint on:

Red Paper - pink and white paint
White Paper - pink and red paint
Pink Paper - red and white paint

Heart Necklaces
With a bit of yarn or ribbon the kids can thread red, white and pink heart shaped beads or small heart shapes from construction paper (use a hole punch), or pasta shapes dyed in red/white/pink.

Heart Cutting
Have children practice their cutting skills on simple cutout hearts. Fold a piece of paper in half and draw the half heart line for them to follow. Make sure that they do not cut on the fold and only follow the line drawn on the paper. Once they cut out their heart shape, they can decorate it with an array of collage materials and give their valentine to someone special.

Heart Rubbings
Cut hearts from textured paper and tape to table. Children place their papers over the hearts and rub with a crayon which will cause the hearts to magically appear on their paper.

Handprint Hearts
Have children cover their hands in pink or red paint. Turn the paper upside down if you are doing cards with this or your hearts will be the wrong way 'round. Press handprint at a slight angle inwards with fingertips overlapping to make a handprint heart.

Valentine Placemats
Have children cut pictures from old valentine cards and paste onto construction paper. When dry, laminate for a placemat that can be used again and again.

Funfoam Frame
Cut a frame shape from red, pink, or white fun foam - also cutting the center out for a picture to show through. Have children decorate the frame with funfoam hearts. When dry, mount a picture to the back and add a magnet. I did this for parent gifts one year - I purchased a helium heart balloon and took the children's picture holding the balloon - they turned out really cute!

Musical Hearts Game
Cut out a bunch of hearts from different coloured paper. Have the children dance to music and when the music stops, they must stand on a heart of the colour you call out.

Candy Cane Heart Necklace
Leftover mini candy canes? Use them here! Glue the candy canes together to make a heart shape. Attach a red or pink ribbon to create a necklace. Children can also thread on other items - beads, buttons, straws, etc, on either side of the candy cane so it is the charm hanging down from their necklace.

Valentine Heart Mouse
Red and pink construction paper
Black marker
Flat lollipop

1. Fold a piece of red construction paper and cut a half heart about 3 ¸inches high on the fold. Leave the heart folded to form the body of the mouse.
2. Cut a smaller heart from the red paper for the head of the mouse. Cut a slit about halfway up from the point of the heart. Wrap the two sides of the slit around to form a cone nose and staple them in place. Use a black marker to draw eyes and a nose. Staple the head to the pointed end of the heart body. Staple the rounded end of the body so that it forms a pocket.
3. Cut a tiny heart from red paper. Write PULL on the heart and glue it to the stick end of the lollipop. Write your valentine message on this heart and glue it over the wrapper. Tuck the lollipop into the body of the mouse so that the stick end is sticking out to form the tail of the mouse.
Carlyn (CARLYNR)

Valentine Heart Mobile
Yarn (different lengths)
Wire Hangers
Construction Paper Hearts

Teachers precut hearts. Children decorate them as they wish. Attach hearts to wire hanger - older children will be able to do this themselves, but younger children may require a teacher's assistance.
Carlyn (CARLYNR)

Heart Poem/Picture
Take red construction paper cut a large sized heart out of it then in the center, glue a paper doily. Put a poem or picture in the center of that.
Janice (JANR1)

Neighborhood Post Office
Here's a hands on color matching activity to add to your post-office work-shop center. Gather clean milk cartons, jugs, or plastic tubs. Cut a simple house shape from as many different colors of constuction paper as you have cartons and add details with markers. Staple each house shape to a carton. Using a commercial envelope as a pattern, cut and glue several envelopes to match each different color of house. To use this center, youngsters deliver each colored envelope to its matching house.

Bean Bag Toss
Cut a large (or two smaller) heart shaped holes in the front of a large piece of cardboard or the front or top of a cardboard box. Decorate in a valentine theme! Have the kids practice throwing bean bags into the holes.

Sorting, Patterning, Colors and Numbers
Cut out many different sized hearts, in many colors (red, white, pink). You may want to use card stock or laminating or apply clear contact paper to your hearts. These activities could also be achieved on a felt board!

Activity #1 - Have the kids sort the hearts from smallest to largest; largest to smallest.
Activity #2 - Number hearts from 1 - 10. Have them place the hearts in numerical order.
Activity#3 - Have the kids sort the hearts by color. How many red hearts? Pink hearts? White hearts? Which color has the most hearts? Which color has the least hearts?
Activity#4 - Give each child 6 colored hearts (2 each of red, white & pink all the same size) Ask the children to match patterns by color with their hearts....
Pattern#1 - red, white, pink, red, white, pink
Pattern#2 - red, red, white, white, pink, pink
Pattern#3 - red, white, white, red, pink, pink
Activity#5 - Give each child 6 colored hearts (2 each of 3 different sizes) Ask the children to match patterns by size with their hearts...
Pattern#1 - small, medium, large, small, medium, large
Pattern#2 - small, small, medium, medium, large, large
Pattern#3 - small, large, medium, small, large, medium

Sensory Activity
Add hearts of different textures in a feely box & have children identify material by touch.


Friends Song

Friends I will remember you
Think of you and care for you
And when another day is through
I'll still be friends with you.

Love is Nothing

Love is nothing 'til you give it away, give it away, give it away
Love is nothing 'til you give it away
And you end up having more.

Love is like a magic penny
Hold on tight and you won't have any
Lend it, spend it
You'll have so many
They'll be rolling all over the floor.

Love is nothing 'til you give it away, give it away, give it away
Love is nothing 'til you give it away
And you end up having more.

I'm a Little Valentine
(Sung to: "I'm a Little Teapot")

I'm a little valentine
Made for you
Of paper, lace, and a dab of glue
I'm signed and sealed and on my way
To say, "I love you" on Valentine's Day!

(Sung to: "B-I-N-G-O")

To show you like your special friends
Just give them each a heart
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T
Each heart says I like you!


Gelatin Hearts
The idea for these is based on the recipe for knox blocks. They are great for kids snacks and they make a nice garnish for sweet salads or desserts. Most kids love them!

2 1/2 cups of water or fruit juice
4 (3 oz) pkgs. strawberry, raspberry or cherry gelatin (can use sugar free if desired).

Combine water and gelatin in 2 quart glass measure and heat on high power in
microwave for 3-5 minutes or until the water is boiling. Stir until gelatin is dissolved. Pour into heart shaped molds, or pour in a 9 or 10 inch square pan and refrigerate until set. Unmold heart shapes or use a small heart shaped cookie cutter to cut out hearts.

Heart Sandwiches
Use large heart shaped cookie cutter to cut heart shapes into bread. Spread with your favorite spread (raspberry, strawberry jam) and serve as a special snack or part of a nutritious lunch. I have also added red food coloring to deviled egg sandwich filling to make "pink" egg sandwiches!

Mallow Sweetheart Cookies

From the Kraft Kitchens

1 pkg. (20 oz.) refrigerated sliceable sugar cookies
12 JET-PUFFED Marshmallows

Roll out cookie dough to 1/8-inch thickness on lightly floured surface, using additional flour as needed to prevent sticking. Cut out 24 (2- to 3-inch) cookies with heart-shaped cookie cutter, re-rolling scraps as necessary. Place, 2 inches apart, on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350°F for 7 to 9 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool 1 minute; remove from cookie sheet to wire rack to cool completely. Top bottom side of each of 12 cookies with 1 marshmallow. Place 4 of the cookies on microwavable plate; microwave on HIGH 15 to 20 seconds or until marshmallows begin to puff. Top with 4 of the remaining cookies. Repeat with remaining cookies and marshmallows.
Sharon (GRITS4EVR)

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