Winter Olympics

Printable Coloring Pages for Dairy Group: Olympic Rings

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Crafts & Activities

Olympic Rings
Set out paint in the olympic rings colours. Provide styrofoam (or plastic) cups for children to dip in and stamp onto paper to creat the olympic rings.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Skate Lacing
Cut a skate shape from bristle board. Use a hole punch to punch where the lace would be. Provide yarn or a lace for children to lace up their skate. Children can decorate the skates for an additional activity.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Provide construction paper, scissors, and glue. Let children create your countries flag. Also have the children design their own flag which they can use in your own "Olympic Games".
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Have children decorate a paper towel tube. Use red/yellow/orange tissue paper for the flame.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Olympic Flame
Have children create a tower using boxes/cans/tubes to house the olympic flame.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Make gold medals out of craft clay. Use a straw to poke a hole near the top. Let dry and paint with gold paint - add glitter if you wish. Once dry, thread a thick ribbon through the hole to create a medal that can be worn.
Submitted by Ruth (RUTHJRC)

Winter Olympics Day
Set up stations of winter activities and fun for your own Winter Olympics.

Winter Games Ideas

Hockey - Set up a children's sized hockey set, ball and net. If you have enough children for teams and your group is old enough, you can set up a game. Otherwise, just let the children have fun trying to score on the net.

Bobsledding - Take the sleds/toboggans to the hill. Mark distances and see how far the sleds will go.

Snowshoe Races - Plastic tennis rackets (found at the dollar store) can substitute for real snowshoes. Race to the finish line.

Cross Country Course - Set up a trail/obstacle course and let the children GO!

Snowman Competition - Have children build snowmen - award medals for the fattest, smallest, largest, etc.

Snowball Competition - Have a supply of snowballs on hand - see how far the children can throw them - set up a tape measure on the ground to record distances.

Pairs Competition - Have children work in teams to create a snow sculpture.

Olympics Song
(Sung to "I Wish I Were An Oscar Myer Weiner")

Oh, I wish that I could be in the Olympics,
I wish that I could skate and have some fun.
For if I could skate in the Olympics,
I'm sure that I'd be number one!

Oh, I wish that I could be in the Olympics,
I wish that I could ski and have some fun.
For if I could ski in the Olympics,
I'm sure that I'd be number one!

Oh, I wish that I could be in the Olympics,
I wish that I could curl and have some fun.
For if I could curl in the Olympics,
I'm sure that I'd be number one!

*Add additional verses with other competing sports.

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