Nintendo's Duty By Fred the mew Ten years. After a bitter cold war with Sega, the constant nuisance of new consoles, and a flashy attempt to give it external flare, Gameboy is finally going color. All the Barriers of battery life and resolution have been dropped, and we are seeing the dawn of a new age. In the next few years, we will see the rise of more and more "dedicated" GBC games, A disc drive for the N64, and a rumored Y2K "surprise". And now I ask - what does the future hold for this, the third age of Nintendo? Sega keeps coming back like a hedgehog under some bad arsenic. Sony is planting its roots firmly in the video game industry. Nintendo has been around for over 100 years, will it last another hundred, or longer? We will probably see the advent of a portable Gameboy64 system on Gameboy's 20th. We are probably only one or two years away from a 128 bit console (don't start yapping about dreamcast, it's really only 64). The space race was lost by the good guys years ago - will the race for the Ultimate console see a similiar fate? I'm one that likes to think that nintendo will usher in the so-called "Trekkie" age of video games. In our lifetimes, games will leave screens and go on to holograms, Virtual reality the likes of which we've never seen, and even a simulation game which goes beyond Artificial Intellegence and enters the realm of actual intellegence. Gameboy Color is the first in a new age of consoles. Quality+Quantity+Nintendo=Whoa. If Nintendo truly wants to become the Leading Megacorp it deserves to be, it must be ready to fight agresively against it's foes. That's one crossfire I wouldn't mind getting caught in.