Donkey Kong 1994 Game by Nintendo Reviewed by The Avardancer Size: 4 Megabits Save: Battery, three slots Released: 1994 Works with: Any version of Gameboy **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I was looking around my collection and then I realised the awful truth. I had NOT reviewed Donkey Kong 1994!! Here's the review of the ground-braking title that breathed new life into Gameboy and held it over until Gameboy Color appeared four years later. This is the game that launched the Super Gameboy Device. The Super Gameboy was showcased and presented by this title. This was the first SGB title; and it still is one of the better titles released that took advantage of the device. This was also the very first title that showed me that there was life beyond black and white. It was my first taste of true color. A vision of things to come. A bright and shiny star that lit the way for me and I almost didn't buy it. You see; when it was announced; I was still hooked on Legend of Zelda 4. (I still am.) I looked at my collection and thought: "Hey, I have Legend of Zelda 4, Metroid 2, Super Mario Land 1 & 2, Tetris, Wario Land, et cetra. Why would I buy a remake of an old game I have on the NES?) Than when the Super Gameboy was announced and this title was announced as the first one to make use of the "amazing" colors; I thought to myself. Well, those four levels in full color? Cool. I might just get it. Then it was announced that the game had 100+ levels. I just sneered and said that the NES game had the same amount as well. I was expecting the levels to repeat. I saw the game and had $20 to spend; so I got it and played it for the first time on my way to the Darmstadt Theater Group rehearsal for "Oliver!" (Which I was an extra in.) Anyways, I put the game in my Gameboy and started thinking about meeting my favorite person in the whole world: "Janna Clore". Yeah, I had it pretty bad back then. Still do. Than I turned on the game and my "Gameboy Mind" took over. You know what I mean. That "Gameboy Mind" that you get when you are "In the zone". That place that lies between normal and brilliant. The place where records are broken, great hits are composed, and reviews like this are devised. The place you are when you catch your first Pokémon; or beat Bowser for the very first time. The place you are when you face Kefka, or defeat Ganon for the very first time. That place where you find your way around that puzzle; that feeling as you watch the ending play. The way you are; the real reason you play games. That feeling as you slide the "long block" in for a Tetris; or deal that final blow to the Mother Brain. The place where you are one with the game; where YOU make the touchdown, where YOU beat Trevalyn. Any ways; I think I will start the review now. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: The game starts out innocent enough; the first level starts just like the arcade version. You get to the top of the level and Donkey Kong climbs up to the next level holding Pauline. The game contains the infamous "Pie" level which was strangely missing from the original NES version. After you get to that fourth level. You beat Donkey Kong by knocking out the screws that hold up his platform. Then DOnkey Kong falls to his doom and Mario and Pauline are reunited. Aww. That's the end. Oh, wait... Donkey Kong is twitching a little. He's just gotten this really sour expression on his face. What the? Donkey Kong flips back to his feet with a resounding crash and the platform Mario and Pauline are on crumbles to the ground! Mario is stunned! Donkey Kong nabs Pauline and runs away! Now, Mario must chase the old DK through 100 levels of mayhem! What type of mayhem? Well, you will go from the city to a glacier and more locals! The levels consist of either getting to the top; beating Donkey Kong by throwing a barrel or enemy at him; or by finding a key and taking it to a door. The levels get harder as more and more skills, items, etc are needed to find our obtain the keys. The game no longer is confined to one-screen play. The levels scroll; the level design gets more nasty. Donkey Kong is joined by Donkey Kong Jr. and more! There are spikes, jumps, lava, etc! One-hit will kill you. You could get crushed, flattened, eaten, shot, burned, frozen, and even more! So be careful! The game never lets up; the game levels are well balanced by giving you an easy level after a few hard ones and not letting the answer to a level be too obvious. There is more than one way to beat a level; so it is open-ended enough for novice players. The game draws many references to the Donkey Kong and Mario Bros games. Which makes it even more fun to play. Some level designs are updated versions of Donkey Kong Jr. levels! Which is VERY cool. You will spend a lot of time in this game as it is tricky. After you beat a level why not go back and see if you can beat it faster. Because the game saves your best times. Oh, inside the game are a few little bonus areas between levels that you must earn. The bonus games get you lives. They are mainly a slot machine and a roullette game. Liked: The twists, turns, etc. I loved the references to the old games and that last area is awesome! The last boss battle is very cool. The game is full of false stops to make you think you beat it; but it isn't over yet. Hated: Some players could get frustrated? The game is pretty long. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: On a Gameboy Color; the game looks okay. The game has no Color Gameboy Enchancements. On a Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, etc. The game looks nice and clear. Mario is a bit small on the screen; but he has tons of animations and so does Donkey Kong. The levels have little "cinema cartoons" after some of them. The game is okay on Gameboy; but you need to play it on a Super Gameboy just once. I'm talking really good color graphics! An excellent Super Gameboy Frame is added that looks like an arcade cabinet. There are a ton of different animations. Every level looks different from the last. The main screens are full color and gorgeous. This game is excellent in this department. The enemies are fairly detailed and there is a sense of humour that seeps and flows through out the entire game. Very well done. Liked: The color graphics, the border, the animation, the detail, the colors, that last boss battle is awesome looking. Hated: That stiupid animation that Donkey Kong does as he squeezes into a door. That ape has a HUGE butt. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The music is excellent! There are remixed tunes from the arcade and all the original sounds are intact too; but they are pretty clear now. When you play it on a Super Gameboy; the music is enchanced and more channels are added to the sound. Not to mention taht Pauline screams "Help! Help!" in a high distinctly femenine voice. Very cool. Liked: Voice, excellent music, excellent sounds. :) Hated: That Pauline is annoying! I should just let Donkey Kong keep her; but if I did... what type of hero would I be anyways? I gotta set a good example and save her; no matter how annoying her voice is. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: This is one of those games that Nintendo makes when they want to tell all theirs fans that they love them Nintendo is the only company that does this a lot. Sega tries a little; Sony rarely does, Bandai and Neo Geo don't at all. The play control is concrete. There are a TON of new moves for plumber boy to do. He does backflips, handstands, he can do a ton of things like spring vault off of wires. HE twirls about and does an amazing number of aerial feats. Let's see that "Bandicoot" do what Mario can on the un-parallel bars. This is one of Nintendo's "Otaku" games. Otaku is pronunced "Oh-Tah-Koo" and means: "Super Fan". (IMHO.) This is one of those "Thank you for buying our products; here is a game we made because we know you will like it and you were not expecting it." Fans of the original Arcade game MUST have this game. The game is amazing. There's tons of neat references to other games. The game goes all out and takes so many risks. The risks work and you are given a game that you will appreciate. It may introduce new players to the Donkey Kong series; but it those of us who played the original Arcade game that will really understand the game. It is a perfect version of an excellent game. The game shows you that Nintendo may seem stubborn at times; but when they feel good.... they will surprise you with excellent games like this. To any true video game player; this is like winning the lottery. This is the equivalent of a "nostalgia gift". You know the kind. For example; you take the one you love to the resturant you too first met; or you give your love a framed copy of your first love letter to her. Or you bronze your son/daughters baby shoes and give them to them. Or you present a photo album to your best friend and spend hours talking about the good times so long ago. This is Nintendo's gift to us. Liked: EVERYTHING! Excellent game! Hated: Umm... nothing, actually. **************************************************************************** Improve: Make a Gameboy Color version. No need to add levels; just make it in color. If you want to add some new features; sure go ahead! RIYL: Platform games; the original games for the NES, Arcade, etc. **************************************************************************** Final Words: The game is amazing. A true bout with perfection. Although the game does have a few qualms in Pauline's voice, and some of the levels are a bit frustrating. This is an excellent game to have and to hold. I suggest you get yourself a copy. It may not be a Gameboy Color game; but it is a game you deserve to own. If it was anymore of a "We love you" game from Nintendo; they would have sent everyone a copy. This game is a gift for all of us; I suggest you pick up your copy of the gift right away. :) **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ***** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: ***** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: ***** Total: 24 out of 25 Final Score: 96% **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: NONE.