Legend of The Mystical Ninja Game by Konami Reviewed by The Avardancer Size: 2 Megabits Save: Password Released: 1998 Works with: Any version of Gameboy **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: In the shadow of the excellent N64 game comes a title for Gameboy that hopes to cash in on the "Mystical Ninja" fans that the N64 version made. Is this a sad attempt to cash in on a liscense or a solid effort by Konami to make a game that is worth-while for players and a good purchase? Or is a lackluster attempt to swindle the fans of the N64 and SNES games? In Japan Geomon is HOT. And he has no less than three games devoted to him. This is an all new version apparently; because is bears no similarity in content to the Japanese games. The game follows Gemoan and friends in their plot to stop the "Black Ship Gang" from doing "indiscriminate crime". **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: The game follows a "Legend of Zelda" mold. You run from place to place opening treasure chests, fighting enemies in real-time from a to-down view. The game also feature the ability to jump and follows a set storyline through about 6 stages with multiple "mini-games" thrown in to make the game a bit more "replayable". The game is littered with enemies and people to talk to. The mini-games are mostly "button-mashing" or "timing" challenges and are not really hard. The game does feature the ability to choose which of three characters you want to play as for that level. All of the characters are basically the same; except for when they jump. Geoman and Sasuke jump higher than Ebisumaru. Liked: The story and some of the horridly off-base text translation. Some of the people you meet are really cheesy. For an example; check out this qoute: "The Black Ship Gang hails from the Black Ship!!" The game is rated "E" but contains some unusual text in it. For example: When you beat the first level the villian shows up and says that he kidnapped Yae; Geoman says after the villian announces that he kidnapped Yae: "Damn! He kidnapped Yae!" That was nothing I was expecting. The game has an cheesy, badly translated feel to it. Hated: The mini-games are mindless diversions and the game gives very little in the way of replay value; seeing as the ending is not different for each character. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Geoman and company look tiny on screen. The game features NO Gameboy Color enchancements. But it does however have a Super Gameboy Border and some fairly lame SGB color palletes. The game looks graphically inferior with the games that it shares a genre with. This games looks like a first generation Gameboy game. Final Fantasy Adventure looks better. than this game. The animation looks like it is only using about three frames of animation; oh, well. A little clipping and slowdown is also evidant in some levels. Liked: The simplicity of graphics makes it easier to umm.. well, it has enough detail to get by. Hated: The graphics that are way too siplistic. The texture designs that match the treasure chests. (Although this may have or have not been intended by the programmers.) The game is out-shadowed and out-done by many titles in it's genre. That's too bad, really. The characters do NOT look much like themselves in the actual Gameplay. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The Sound effects are generic and although clear and appropriate do not seem like a big addition to the game. The game also has some "Japanese" sounding music that, while done nicely and fairly long, can and most likely will grate on your nerves. :( Liked: The happy music fits the theme of the game well. Hated: Sadly, the music is really annoying and does not seem to feature a hook, or any type of real draw. Unlike some games; the music does nothing to stick in your mind or improve your gameplay experience. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: You will find yourself missing the enemies and the critical jumps as well; because of the badly aligned jumping control. The game has no reward for beating enemies; other than money. You can only buy healing powers and items; but you can not buy them to save for later. You only have one life and no continues. The game also features some really badly designed long and hard to remember (Or even write down) passwords. The password code is in pictures; which is quite possibably the WORST format for a password. You find yourself avoiding enemies. You only get one chance to beat a boss at a mini-game. (Although the hidden mini-games have no punishing result for losing them. The bosses have predictable patterns and the levels do not scream originality. The bosses are way to easy and the mini-games are unbalanced. Most gamers may become frustrated at the game's annoying habit of making you start from the begining of a level for falling. Liked: I liked some of the mini-games. Hated: Almost everything else. You misfire, mistep, etc. The game could be so much better with tighter and more rewarding game design. **************************************************************************** Improve: The play control, the shop system, the graphics, the jumps, and the over-all presentation need to be changed slightly. Yes, the game should give you some type of "water" or "bread" to help you regain life between stores and inns. The game should ALSO let you play as Yae and have substantial differences in out-come and story-line depending on the character chosen by the player. The game should also feature a save ROM or simpler passwords. Konami seems to like making "picture" based passwords. It would be much better with a numurical or grid design password. RIYL: If you like Final Fantasy Adventure, or James Bond 007; AND you can find this one cheap. **************************************************************************** Final Words: The characters are a good liscense; but the execution of the game is severely flawed. the game could have used somemore work or attention to make it at least on par with the other existing Gameboy "Action/RPG" contenders. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: ** Personal Opinion: * Total: 13 out of 25 Final Score: 52% **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None at this present time.