Men in Black Game by Crave Reviewed by Adrock Size: 8 Megabits Save: Password Released: 1998 Works with: Any Version of Gameboy. **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: It's black, like all other cartridges that are CGB. So, this suits this game. This game is based on the series, not the movie. Lets see if the suits pick up the bill. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Think like Contra meets Flashback. You gotta rid the world of the bad alien inhabitants in six levels of play. The way the enemies come down and attack will shock you sometimes. Sometimes they will morph from regular things into aliens. It's sssccary. Liked: A good play for kids and alien/MIB fans. Hated: No real replay value. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Play on a GB, or SGB, and you'll enjoy it some. Play it on a Color Game Boy, and you get Full Screen animations, like walking through the halls and riding up and down some of the elevators in the game. This is because of Tiertex. You must give shouts to Tiertex. They rock. As for gameplay, the detail is good and the aliens are nasty. Liked: Anims rock. Hated: Sometimes slow framerate. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: The sound FX are average, as well as the music. The music leaves more to be expected from such a good, award winning soundtrack that the movie spawned. Liked: Average songs and FX. Hated: Better songs. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: The control has just a quick little delay in action time, but that is all. You shouldn't feel bad about the controls. Liked: Good all-around controls. Hated: Turning around is one action that is kind of slow. **************************************************************************** Improve: More levels and depth. RIYL: Aliens, Flashback, MIB Movie or Series, Contra... **************************************************************************** Final Words: It's almost worth buying just for the anims. But it is a good game for kids. You may get bored with it once you beat it once. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: ***** Sound/Music: ** Play Control/Game Design: **** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 19 Final Score: %76 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: Level Passwords. ---------------- Manhattan = 2710 Sewers = 1807 Aerodome = 0309 Rooftops = 2705 Forest = 3107 Special Passwords. ------------------ See the ending sequence = 1943 Level Skip = 2409 Zoom Around = 0601 ((When you put in one of the last two of the special ones, they'll say error, but it's OK. Just start a new game. Once the codes are in, hold select to fly around the screen and press start then select to skip levels.))