Power Quest Game by Sunsoft Reviewed by Bigbadbar kummel@erols.com Size is 8 Megabits Save is by Password (it fails all the time) Released in January 99 Works with all gameboys **************************************************************************** Opening Side Remarks: Walk around fighting bad guys with animals? (or robots) Ummm... sounds like a pokémon clone. This early? Oh, wait! This time you don't fight Team Rocket, you fight a mean gang of cheaters! A fighting game with Pokémon elements? Well, better try it. I waited for a review for a month but it never appeared. Guess it is my job to do it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Description: The RPG part of it is cheap, even if it tries to do something cool but wait! The fighting part is nice! Not nice, excellent. Three moves for each of the 7 robots you can use? Nice. A MAJOR setback. RPG with password? You press B in the middle of your walk, note the password and TURN off, or it will create a new one and cancel the other one! And there is only one town. Even if a lot happens in this town, it is still only one town. Liked: The Fighting part is extremely well done. Hated: The RPG part and the password bug. One town only. **************************************************************************** Graphics description: Again, the fighting part is better in this category. Inside the fight, almost looks like SNES, but out in the town, looks like NES, if you understand what I am trying to say. When you talk to people, it is not so bad, even if they look like a flat piece of paper. Liked: Smooth and excellent graphics on fighting scenes. Hated: Cranky and stupid graphics outside fighting scenes. **************************************************************************** Sound description: Nothing to worry about. The music is very adequate and the SFX are well timed. More SFX would definately come in handy but it would only be an extra. Liked: No Major setbacks Hated: Nothing near Zelda's (I'm not comparing them) quality. (the best one) **************************************************************************** Play control\Game design: Now after one week of playing this game, I know that this game was MADE to be a fighting game, not an RPG. The Play control Couldn't been better. It is almost too good! Liked: Responsive, Simple and Fun play control Hated: I was Fooled! This is a fighting game, not an RPG! :( **************************************************************************** Improve: Put 3 save files, put more robots, more scenario, improve town graphics, AND BY GOD'S SAKE, PUT MORE TOWNS! RIYL: Street Fighter 2 and Killer instinct. (never played any of those but they are very well reccomended in this site) **************************************************************************** Final Words: I was fooled! I went to get an awesome RPG, but I came back home with a fighter. Well, I guess I have to live with my errors. But it's still a great game. It's just not an RPG. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: **** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 20 out of 25 Final Score: 80% Words of Wisdom (BigBadBar reviews exclusive): great! **************************************************************************** Currently Know codes: You shouldn't cheat you know? It's hazardous for your mental health. Ah who cares? Go to sages.ign.com/index2.html and you'll find some. **************************************************************************** Editor's Note: Here's a run-through of BigBadBar's "Word's of Wisedom". 00% - 09% - Dogfood 10% - 19% - Sucks 20% - 29% - Very Bad 30% - 39% - Bad 40% - 49% - Poor 50% - 59% - Moderate 60% - 69% - Nice 70% - 79% - Good 80% - 89% - Great 90% - 99% - Awesome 100% - What are you doing here? Go buy that game!