Rampage: World Tour Game by Midway Reviewed by deathpunk Size: 8 megabits Save: none Released: 1998 Works with: all Opening Snide Remarks: before the "great era of arcade fighters" in the early and mid 90's, there was a game in your local arcade, that gamers young and old alike flocked to. The mindless masses, brainwashed and brains rotted beyond repair from years of bad t.v., pumped all the money they had into a game, with such simplistic gameplay that you had to have the motor skills of a goat not to understand.......this game was rampage!!! or as the people called it.......god complex in-a box Gameplay: for all the pokemon and zelda freaks, rejoice!!! This game plays EXACTLY like them!!!! Well if zelda and pokemon played nothing like they do now, and you where this 40 foot gorilla, and all you did for 100 levels was climb buildings, eat people, and puke ....ok so take zelda.. take away all the RPG elements away, replace hyrule [or that island on the gb version] with a city, replace link with that gorilla, change the game to a side view, strip away ALL aspects of a storyline, take away all the weapons,people,puzzle,and common sense......and you have rampage.. Graphics: This game has RENDERED graphics!!!! and they look ever sooooooo good!!!!! Great animation too:)plus no slowdown [well that I've seen anyway] Also, this game has the best looking explosions on the Game Boy!! Simply some of the best the Game Boy has to offer. The only bad thing is the backgrounds, which ARE very plain, but it's really for the best, because the screen would look very cluttered if it didn't have the simple two color ones,but still, Great use of the colors of the GBC!!!! [p.s. "Lizzy" the lizard monster looks the best:) ] Sound: I can't really say much here, Just your basic gameboy sounds :( Music: OH NO!!!! Yes, the music IS bad, but....you can turn it off!! [thanks Midway^_^] Play Control: I can't say much here either!! it's not bad or anything, but there is one problem in my opinion.....When your on a building, and you do probly the most powerful basic move, the stomp smash kick [hit A and B] you SOMETIMES will do a leaping kick [A then B very quickly] and fall off the building, [and it's soooooooooooooooooooo annoying] it's not really the games fault, it's really the positioning of the Game Boys buttons, unlike the N64 A and B which are very easy to hit at the same time, on the GB you have to turn you hand slightly, which makes it VERY easy to hit the A a millisecond before the B button Final Analysis: If your looking for a deep game with lots of secrets and a complex plot.....buy zelda, harvest moon, final fantasy, pokemon.. etc but if you want a game that is total mindless, purpose-less violence, buy rampage. Hey it's not pokemon, but most n64 games are not either! Score Gameplay:***** Graphics:***** Sound: *** Music: *** Play Control:**** Total: 20 Final Score: 80% Currently Known Codes: nope.