Super Breakout Game by Hasbro, Majesco Reviewed by Adrock Size: 8 Megabits Save: No Released: 1998 Works with: All Game Boys, Color Enhanced **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: OK, we've all seen it before... It's breakout. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: You hit the ball with the paddle. It hits blocks. Bottom Row one point, Middle three, Top five. There are different modes of play. There is one and two players. Liked: Stays remiscent of arcade. Hated: Gets boring. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: It's just Breakout, and it looks like Breakout. So it's cool. Liked: They took the time to add color. Hated: More eye popping stuff. Maybe backgrounds? Cinemas? **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Um, you can choose different kinds of sound for the blocks; silent, beeps, musical, or noisy. Liked: Lets you choose what kind of FX you want. Hated: Still sucks. No real music. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Ball is pretty small. It comes out of nowhere when you press B, and sometimes you will lose a live because you weren't ready. Unrealistic speed changes make you wanna hurl. Liked: Paddle control is responsive. Hated: Small Balls. Unready Balls. Unrealistic Balls. We need better Balls. **************************************************************************** Improve: Of course you can improve this game, it's just that no one really knows how. Bring on Alleyway GBC and let's see what Nintendo can do. RIYL: Alleyway, other games of the likeness. **************************************************************************** Final Words: It is more decent then Frogger, the other Majesco game. It's worthy for people who just like this kind of game, or like beating thier scores at things. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: *** Graphics: *** Sound/Music: ** Play Control/Game Design: *** Personal Opinion: *** Total: 14 Final Score: %56 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None.