Super Mario Land Game by Nintendo Reviewed by Adrock Size: 512K Save: None Released: 1989 Works with: All Game Boys **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: Walk around with this in your Game Boy and people will say "I beat that dumb game millions of times! Why are you playing such a dumb game? You're dumb!" And then they will walk away talking about how dumb stuff is. Hey, it's a classic, and that kind of reaction is to be expected. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: It is a good game, I don't care what folks say. I love the Sky and Marine Pop levels that play like Space Shooters. Also I like how the turtle shells blow up. I like Tatanga, too, I think he should be a Smash Brother. For the most part, Super Mario Bros. fans will enjoy. Liked: Lots of stuff is cool about this game. Hated: More levels would be nice. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The graphics are too small. But the levels look nice, and each looks different then the next. Liked: Lots of varieties of levels. Hated: Small Graphics. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: More could be asked for. The original SMB Level 1-1 music, for one. But, since it's not SMB, I guess it's good enough. Liked: Average Music and Sounds that aren't too bad. Hated: More music and Sounds from SMB. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Not too loose or anything, it handles fairly well. But that's the standard for most Mario Games. Liked: Mario's standard fare. Hated: Jumping to and from platforms can frustrate you, getting to the top door in all the levels can be tricky. **************************************************************************** Improve: If anything happens on the first three Mario Land games on Game Boy Color, Nintendo should put them together in one pak, and maybe add some extra levels and suits for Mario Land. RIYL: Jump and Stomp platformers, SML 2 and 3, Wario Land 2. **************************************************************************** Final Words: You may get bored with a game like this in today's GameBoy world, but if you can pick it up for cheap, you should add it to your collection. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: **** Graphics: **** Sound/Music: *** Play Control/Game Design: ***** Personal Opinion: **** Total: 20 Final Score: %80 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None (It's Mario, Dummy.)