Tetris Attack Game by Nintendo Reviewed by Myau84 Myau84@aol.com Size: 4MB Save: Password Released: 1995 Works with: All Game Boys Opening Snide Remarks: I remember back in 1995 when Tetris Attack was released for Game Boy. I saw a very tiny Game Boy at the checkout counter in Electronics Boutique and picked it up. The game inside was Tetris Attack. I started playing, and let me tell you that I must have been in that store for an hour! That was my first experience of Tetris Attack, and I've wanted that game for 4 years. Now that I have it, I am one satisfied person :) Gameplay: Tetris Attack is one of the best puzzle games I've played, period. The gameplay is very original and well thought up. Why this has the name Tetris on it I don't know, but it does share the quality of the classic. You switch blocks horrizontally, two at a time. When three or more are touching, they disappear. You can rack up huge chains and combos for a ton of points. Instead of falling from the top, the blocks in Tetris Attack rise from the bottom. There are five modes you can choose from. Each is unique in its own way. You're playing the same game, just differently. One mode even has a story line to it. How cool is that for a puzzle game? You can start out easy and work your way up to very hard. Graphics: Most puzzle games don't have graphics that blow you away, and the same goes with Tetris Attack. Each puzzle block has its own design inside of it, making them very easy to distinguish from each other. The little characters on each level are cartoony and cute, and even the little cinema scenes look good. Audio: I always have my stereo on while playing Game Boy, so I can't rate this too much. The music gives a nice tune, but nothing memorable. The sound effects are the same. Nothing is really annoying, which is good. Replay Value: Once you start playing, you'll be hooked. I completely drained my fully charged battery pack when I played this! The five game modes will keep you busy for a long time. Since you can save with your passwords, you can keep progressing. Once you start getting better, you can play the game on harder difficulties (and there are a ton!). This game has lots of replay value. Final Analysis: This is probably my favorite puzzle game. It belongs in any puzzler's collection. It's great for players of all difficulty levels and is very, very fun. Tetris Attack shouldn't be missed. Overall Gameplay: 10 Graphics: 7.5 Audio: 7 Replay Value: 10 Final Score: 9 Currently Known Codes: None.