Turrican Game by Accolade Reviewed by Robby Cox koi@magicnet.net Save: None Released: 1991 Works with: all Game Boys **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: I had heard good things about the Turrican series, but I have never played a Turrican game. I found this game for $10, so I bought it. **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: Turrican is basically a "poor man's" Contra. It plays a little like Contra, but with a lot more jumping. The game is okay, but the levels are huge. You will get tired of playing very quickly, because the difficulty ramps up too soon. Stick with Contra. Liked: Kinda like Contra. Hated: Contra's much better. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: Turrican looks bad. The characters are very small. The backgrounds are sparsely decorated. It gets the job done, but just barely. Liked: Nothing. Hated: Ugly graphics. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Turrican has some decent music. The sound fx are okay, but they're not impressive. Liked: Decent music. Hated: Nothing. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: Turrican's controls suck. The hit detection sucks. The game design is bad. What else can I say? This game sucks! Liked: Nothing. Hated: Everything. **************************************************************************** Improve: Start over and make a decent game. RIYL: Shock therapy, because if you like this game then you need some serious help. **************************************************************************** Final Words: Turrican is another in a long line of horrible Game Boy games. Steer clear and save your money for one of the good GB games. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: Graphics: Sound/Music: ** Play Control/Game Design: Personal Opinion: Total: 2 out of 25 Final Score: 8 % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: None.