Christian Homeschooler's Association of South Eastern South Carolina
PO Box 58
Ruffin, SC 29475

CHASE SC Site Index

days to June 30th, 2004, the school year end for CHASE SC.

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All homeschoolers, and home schools should consult their attorney, or HSLDA for all legal matters.

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CHASE SC New Homeschoolers Information
by Ava Miller
(updated February 2003)

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CHASE SC gives permission to all homeschooling support groups to copy this New Homeschoolers Workshop information if 1) copies are not sold at a profit (a reasonable charge for copying is acceptable), and 2) if you note on all copies that you 'Reprinted with the permission of CHASE SC, PO Box 58, Ruffin, SC 29475, Email address:, Web Site:'

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I. Homeschooling

II. How do we begin homeschooling?

III. South Carolina Homeschooling Laws

IV. SC State and Local Support Groups

V. Learning Styles/Modalities

VI. Special Needs

VII. Curriculum

VIII. Questions & Answers

IX. Forms That May Be Helpful

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I. Homeschooling...
Homeschooling is a way of life for my family and me or in other words it's the lifestyle we feel convicted to lead. If you start out with this philosophy you will be much more successful in your homeschooling, because you will be looking at the long-term plan. Don't get me wrong; it's okay to go day by day when you're sick or going through a very trying time. However, you will make it through those day-by-day times by having that long term plan.

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II. How do we begin homeschooling?
1. Seek the Lord.

a. Pray
b. Read your Bible
c. Are you and your spouse in agreement?

2. Learn about homeschooling.
a. The law
b. Read some books about homeschooling.
c. Talk to other homeschoolers.

3. Get information on your state and local homeschooling support groups.
a. Do they have workshops/conventions?
b. Do they offer field trips?
c. Do they offer other socials?
d. Are they like-minded with your homeschooling philosophy?
f. Attend at least one meeting to make your decision.
e. Join a support group that can offer you and your family what you need (also be open-minded to contributing your help).

4. Decide how you will comply with the state law and make arrangements to do so according to your convictions.

5. Decide teaching methods and materials you will use.

6. Obtain your curriculum.

7. Get your house in order.
a. Get it all organized - the whole house - you will have less time to cook, clean and do the normal routine stuff.
b. Set up or revise a chore chart for the house.
c. Will you have a certain room for school? - Get it organized.
d. Make sure you have all supplies needed - paper, pencils, books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, markers, crayons, etc.

8. Begin your record keeping.
a. Organize your record keeping into a filing system.
b. What is our philosophy of education?
c. Plan out a schedule for your school year.
d. Keep an attendance record.
e. Keep a daily record of subjects, pages, activities, and field trips.
f. What rules will we use during our school time?
g. Keep a list of curriculum texts (students & parents), resource books (students & parents), workbooks, etc.
h. Do at a minimum a semi-annual progress report (this does not have to be a report card but it can be one).
i. Keep a portfolio for each child with samples of their work. Place any standardized test scores in your child's portfolio.
j. Prepare lesson plans
1. Plan at least one week ahead.
2. Changes in the lesson plan will happen.
3. List yearly, monthly and weekly goals.
4. Make or buy a lesson plan to assist you.
5. Review your lesson plan each evening before school to refresh your memory and to get all materials in order beforehand.

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VII. Curriculum
1. Before choosing a curriculum you should know:
a. Do you want Christ-centered curriculum?
b. Your learning style
c. Your child's/children's learning style
d. The amount of money you can reasonable spend
e. Is my child college bound?
f. Which subjects are each of your children's strengths?
g. Which subjects are each of your children's weaknesses?
h. What SC law says about curriculum Section 59-65-47 (c) the curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and in grades seven through twelve, composition and literature.

Break down of the required subjects:

Elementary (grades 1-6)
Social Studies (History)

Secondary (grades 7-12)
Social Studies (History)
Composition (additional requirement for grades 7th -12th)
Literature (additional requirement for grades 7th - 12th)

2. Types of Curriculum
a. Self study-short paper-back booklets that are called "paces, units, or lifepacs". Little teacher preparation needed. Examples: ACE, Alpha Omega, and Christian Light.

b. Textbooks-Lots of different curriculum companies offer textbooks. You can get either Christian or secular. More planning is needed from the parent. Examples: Abeka, Bob Jones, Rod and Staff, and Saxon.

c. Unit studies- Also known as thematic studies. A study that incorporates lessons for all subjects into one theme. Very good for the hands-on learning and for several children in different grade levels. Almost all children prefer this approach. Unit studies require the most planning from a parent. Examples: Amanda Bennett, Greenleaf, Design A Study, Konos, and Weaver.

d. Relaxed Homeschooling- Also known as Unschooling. A relaxed home atmosphere where the parents help guide their children with studying subjects that interest each different child. Generally more parental assistance is needed the younger the child and less parental assistance is needed as the child matures. Some believe that their is a fine line between relaxed homeschooling and unschooling.

***The curriculum is there to assist you. DO NOT let it control you. If it is not working out perhaps some changes are in order. If your child is not understanding something perhaps they are not ready for the new subject matter, take a break and try it a week later (maybe even a month later).***

VIII. Questions & Answers
Do I have to inform the school district I am home schooling?
No! You do not have to notify them; however, you may wish to obtain you child's complete transcript when you remove your student from public school. Please understand that you are not required to obtain the transcript; however, it is your personal right (if you choose to do so). Only you, the parent, decides if you want to obtain these records.

If you are removing your child from the public school system, you may choose to show them your students home school association membership letter, membership card, or certificate of membership so the school can contact the association if they should have further questions.

Avoiding unnecessary harassment by officials that are unaware of SC Law 59-65-47, avoiding a home visit from an official claiming you are in violation of SC’s compulsory attendance law, and to make a smoother transition to homeschooling are a few of the reasons you may want to show the public school documentation of your membership from your association.

They do not need to make a copy of your document! This is an invasion of your privacy. However, again only you, the parent, decides if you will allow an official to make a copy of your document.

Is homeschooling legal?
Yes, take a look at SC Homeschooling Law.

What about socialization?
Socialize (v) as defined by New Webster's Dictionary-render social, as to suit something to the needs of society; participate in friendly interchange. We as homeschooling parents do not isolate our children from everyone else; however, we do get to provide times for socialization that fall within our own beliefs and eliminate most peer pressure. Many opportunities exist that you probably have not even thought of, such as: Sunday school, children and youth programs at church, Vacation Bible School, church social functions, support group field trips, park days, monthly support meetings, homeschooling co-op days, beach days, volunteering at hospitals, nursing homes, church and other places, team sports, gymnastics, PE, 4-H, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. With all the programs available through church, homeschooling and the community our children do learn to participate in friendly interchange.

Are we qualified to teach our children?
1. Yes, we are. In South Carolina a parent must have a High School Diploma or the GED. See III. The Law.
2. We are told to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. It is normal for us to question whether or not we can do this, but remember through God ALL things are possible. Make sure you keep homeschooling in your prayers everyday. It is a good idea to start your homeschooling day in prayer.
3. Workshops are available to help train and prepare you. SCHEA holds an annual workshop for homeschoolers and so do many support groups. To find out what else is available check with your local support group.

How can we teach several children at one time?

Self-Study Curriculum-
1. Consider having the children check their own or each others work. This will save you time in the biggest time consuming area with the self-study curriculum. 2. You can have the children record or check off the work as they complete it. You can use this for your record of what was done each day. 3. Have the children help with the goals for the week. This should be somewhat easy because each program is based on having so many pages completed within a certain time. If they need to do 4 pages a day they would write M pg 1-4, T pg 4- 8, W pg 9-12 and so on.

1. Consider having the children check their own or each others work. This will save you time in the biggest time consuming area with the self-study curriculum.
2. You can have the children record or check off the work as they complete it. You can use this for your record of what was done each day.
3. If you divide the textbook up in some way days, months, quarter you can assign so many pages per day. If they know how many pages per day they can also record the upcoming weeks schedule.
4. If they are close to the same grade level many textbooks can be shared and taught together. Bible, History and Science are the easiest to do this with.

Unit Studies-
is a very good choice to incorporate shared learning. If you use a guide like Konos it lists activities for the younger, middle and older child. Generally they all can work on the same project, however, they each do it at a different level. Some of the same ideas listed under self study and textbooks could be used depending on how you do your unit study.

Relaxed Homeschooling -
ideas from all of the above could be used depending on how you do your relaxed homeschooling.

What do the children do when mom/dad is sick?
1. Art projects
2. Audio tapes
3. Computer games or writing project
4. Educational Games
5. Educational TV programs
6. Reading
7. Videotapes
8. Writing (have them do a rough draft and if they can a final copy on something they are interested in)

What if the curriculum just isn't working?
Did you consider all the information under Section VII Curriculum? Could it be that your child is not ready for the material? Could you show them the same information in another way? If you've tried everything and nothing seems to work and you want to change curriculum, then you probably should. Make sure you research really good before buying additional curriculum. If at all possible try to see the materials before you buy them!

What is the compulsory attendance age in South Carolina?
According to Section 59-65-10 your child must attend kindergarten somewhere (public, private, or homeschool) if they turn 5 before September 1st of that school year. Parents may sign a waiver excusing their child(ren) from kindergarten if the child does not turn 6 before September 1st of that year. Children must attend until their seventeenth birthday or until they graduate from high school.

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~ CHASE SC Home ~

Make sure to stop by our home page for lots of other great home school resources. Standardized Testing, Special Needs Homeschooling, Learning Modalities & Styles, Timeline Information, Portfolios, Questions About Diplomas, GED, and Transcripts are just a few of the resources waiting for you at our home page.

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~ About CHASE SC... ~ The Law ~ Explanation of the Third Option Law, 59-65-47 ~

~ CHASE SC Lifetime Membership Application ~ CHASE SC Yearly Compliance & Update Form ~

~ SC Support Groups ~ SC Accountability Associations ~ Q & A About CHASE SC ~

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~ Free Forms For Home Schools ~

You don't want to miss out on this great resource, there's nearly 200 Free Forms for your homeschool!

Be Prepared, Evaluations, Assessments, Report Cards, Planners, Goal Sheets, Sample Letters, Transcripts, High School Course Credit & Syllabus, Diplomas, Journals, Logs, Checklists, Traveling Through Time Timelines, Other Helps for the Homeschool (Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies), Postcards, and Getting Organized in Your Home are the categories you can choose from.

Q. Can you provide other forms on your web site?
As time permits, we would be happy to serve you with as many forms as we can. Please email us and let us know what you'd like to see,

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~ Webmaster ~

Please contact our webmaster if you find any links that are not working, or if you encounter any difficulties maneuvering at the CHASE SC site.

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CHASE SC gives permission to all homeschooling support groups and individual homeschoolers (for personal use with homeschooling records only) to copy any CHASE SC information in its entirety if 1) copies are not sold at a profit (a reasonable charge for copying is acceptable), and 2) if you note on all copies that you 'Reprinted with the permission of CHASE SC, PO Box 58, Ruffin, SC 29475, Email address:, Web Site:' All rights are retained by CHASE SC for CHASE SC documents, information, and forms available throughout the CHASE SC web site.

All others may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information obtained from this site without the explicit written permission of CHASE SC! You may not send, or cause to be sent, any part or anything posted on this site without the explicit written permission of CHASE SC!