Power Rangers For Infinity
*Version 2.0*
Your one-stop shop for media, art, and reminiscing about what some still consider the Greatest show on TV.
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 New fanfiction on the site (under Cel-Chan).
 FAQ updated.
 Are you dreaming? Does that REALLY say 2003 at the top there? My friends, I invite you to consider this day the aforementioned further notice.
It has been nearly a year since I have even looked at this site, but unlike my previous attempts at building a site, I believe that this is fully worth some renovation, even at this late date.
 First of all, it has come to my attention that most of the mp3s available for download are.. how shall we say, unavailable. I do sincerely apologize for this, and I will take some time over the next few days to take down the dead links. I hate to leave people without these great songs, but I have absolutely no way of uploading them, as my former method seems to have failed miserably over long periods of time. Do look at the mp3 page to check out my alternative, albeit totally uninspired and doomed-to-fail method.
 In order to conserve bandwidth, I have removed a good deal of the graphics from this site. Ah, like you really wanted to see that Alex Chiu Eternal Life thing one more time.
 Unfortunately, I haven't had occasion (or, ultimately, an interest) to watch Ninja Storm, despite the fact that it's supposed to be a great series. I'm painfully unknowledgable about the series, which I apologize for. Be patient with me. This is a great site, and while its destiny is still up in the air, I have every intention of returning it to its original grandeur.. at least, to what extent is physically possible at this time, what with Tripod's bandwidth flubbos.
I am, once again, available to contact! Please note my new email address; celaran7@earthlink.net! Drop me a line and let me know what you think of my being back at the helm!!
 For more unbelievably dull news and updates, check it out HERE
Have traversed the magical world of Infinity since April 2001!
© 2001-2003 STV Production Enterprises
Questions? Comments?
Contact me at celaran7@earthlink.net. I'd like to hear from you!
DISCLAIMER- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers in Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers Time Force, Power Rangers Wild Force, Power Rangers Ninja Storm and all names and likenesses thereof are copyright © 1993-2003 Saban Entertainment. I am not the Power Rangers or Saban, so please direct all inquiries and comments to the OFFICIAL POWER RANGERS WEBSITE or the following Address:
(Name Here)
Valencia Studios West 26030
Avenue Hall, Stage 3
Valencia, California 91355
This site is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way an official site.