
Name:Ri Houjun, Chichiri

Date Of Birth:May 21st

Place Of Birth: Unknown

Age: 24 years old

Height: 5'8 sometimes less then three ft

Senshi Symbol:Well

Position Of Symbol:Right Knee

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Hobbies: Fishing

Weapon: A Magical Mask to hide his scar, Kasa (wide brimmed hat) and Kesa (large cloak) for teleportation, Prayer Beads( which he rubs cat-nip on) and his Staff as a weapon.

Past: He had a Fiancee named Kouran, and a best freind named Hikou when he was about 18. But Hikou was jealous that Kouran was going to marry Houjun because all three had been very close freinds. Hikou and Kouran kissed, and Houjun happened to be watching, Kouran now feeling unworthy of him told him that she couldn't marry him. Houjun got upset at Hikou and they began to fight. Meanwhile Kouran got caught in a flood and was killed, Hikou also got caught in the flood. Houjun grabbed onto Hikou's hand but a huge log rammed into his eye, making him let go and lose his eye. He then became a wanderer and a buddhist monk. He trained under Taitsuk-kun for three years in magic, and made a magical mask to cover his scar because he found that it scarred people.