The rules are fairly simple: Every person participating gets to play a character, and you watch Kenshin. It's a drinking game, guess what I left out? It's supposed to be played with beer or something, so that you can actually make it through a few episodes before, ahem, passing out. That way, even if Megumi doesn't get much screen time in the first episode you watch, that person won't automatically win, and be stone, cold, sober. It's a little unbalanced right now, so I would suggest giving Yahiko to the lightest person in the room and Kenshin to the heaviest, otherwise it just won't work out... Have fun! And if you have any suggestions, email me!

Himura Kenshin

Take a drink every time he…

1) …says "Oro"
2) …becomes the Hitokiri Battousai
3) …gets called the Hitokiri Battousai - and isn’t
4) …makes his eyes bug out in that kawaii way
5) …tells someone how he only wants to be with his friends and loved ones
6) …waxes philosophic about swords and/or protection
7) …sheaths his sword in the middle of a fight
8) …does a cool move involving the words "Ryu" and "Sen"
9) …breaks up a fight or argument
10) …makes a new friend
11) …makes a new enemy
12) …encounters an old enemy who wants revenge
13) …beats someone up
14) …gets cut or hit
15) …gets beaten up by Kaoru!

Kamiya Kaoru

Take a drink every time she…

1) …says "Kenshin"
2) …cries over Kenshin
3) …watches Kenshin fight and does nothing
4) …hits someone with a sword
5) …loses her sword in the middle of a fight (this includes having it cut in half)
6) …fights with Yahiko
7) …fights with Megumi
8) …fights with Sanosuke
9) …cooks badly
10) …beats up Kenshin
11) …doubts how much Kenshin cares about her or fears that Kenshin will leave her
12) …complains that there isn’t enough money
13) …complains that she doesn’t have enough students
14) …gets called "ugly" or any other name that isn’t her own
15) …worries about Kenshin

Sagara Sanosuke

Take a drink every time he…

1) …remembers the Sekihou Tai and Sagara
2) …drinks Sake
3) …gambles
4) …beats someone up
5) …gets beaten up (double if he’s fighting Kenshin)
6) …makes some incredible display of strength or endurance
7) …gets called Sanza
8) …calls Kaoru "Jo-chan"
9) …fights with Megumi
10) …borrows money
11) …swears excessively
12) …has his hands in his pockets
13) …rubs the back of his head or neck
14) …talks to someone without looking at them (this happens a surprising amount!)
15) …walks away, showing his "bad" symbol prominently

Myojin Yahiko

Take a drink every time he…

1) …calls himself a samurai and/or generally brags about his fighting ability
2) …beats someone up
3) …gets called "chan"
4) …calls Kaoru an unflattering name
5) …makes a face at someone
6) …refers to his parents
7) …gets beaten up
8) …steals something
9) …looks up to Kenshin
10) …challenges someone who’s WAY out of his league
11) …does something cute for a girl
12) …gets teased for it
13) …does an errand for Kaoru (double if he complains about it)
14) …practices with his sword
15) …does something manly that isn’t otherwise covered in this list

Takani Megumi

Take a drink every time she…

1) …gets called "Fox lady"
2) …fights with Sanosuke
3) …flirts with Kenshin
4) …calls Kenshin "Ken-san"
5) …talks about killing herself
6) …does something that shows how much in love with Sanosuke she is
7) …cures someone
8) …sacrifices herself or risks herself for someone in the Kenshin gumi
9) …fights with Kaoru
10) …cooks well
11) …pours Sake
12) …laughs
13) …gets Kenshin to respond to her flirting
14) …gets Kaoru to hurt Kenshin because of her flirting
15) …makes an incredible diagnosis from virtually no data ("that bruise is from a Sakabattou…")

Shinomori Aoshi

Take a drink every time he...

1) ...surprises someone by using a weapon they don't expect
2) ...talks to his dead comrades (I swear, they talk back! Hey, what's this white coat for?)
3) ...calls Kenshin "battousai"
4) ...talks about being the strongest
5) ...does something that shows how in love with Misao he is (flashbacks count!)
6) ...betrays someone, or does something evil in order to be the strongest
7) ...walks away, his coat flapping in the breeze
8) ...does his cool waterflow technique, or any other kempo
9) ...insults someone
10) ...threatens someone
11) ...shows off his scars
12) ...shows his eyes, close up (god! he's gorgeous!)
13) ...cuts things he just *shouldn't* be able to cut with those glorified knives of his (bookshelves...)
14) ...parries with the back of the kodachi (okay, okay, it's not a glorified knife, it's cool)
15) shown in a flashback, or has a flashback

Makimachi Misao

Take a drink every time she...

1) ...talks about "Aoshi-sama!"
2) ...gets really genki or crazy
3) ...holds her shinai between her fingers
4) ...chases after someone (Kenshin, Aoshi, etc...)
5) ...talks to Aoshi's dead friends
6) ...challenges someone who's WAY out of her league!
7) ...cries (sorry, but it happens!)
8) ...steals from someone... or tries
9) ...gets called "Weasel girl"
10) ...makes a scary face
11) ...gets angry with very little provokation
12) ...asks where Aoshi is, or what's going on with him
13) ...calls Aoshi "Aoshi-sama"
14) ...acts heroically "okashira"-like (isn't she adorable!)
15) ...randomly shows up to participate in something with the Kenshin Gumi

Saitou Hajime

What? Did you think he was exempt, just because it's his Tribute? It's *my* shrine! So take a drink every time he...

1) ...trashes someone
2) ...trashes someone in an excessively brutal, or bloody, way
3) ...makes fun of someone (Sano, Misao, etc...)
4) ...calls Kenshin "battousai"
5) ...adheres slavishly to Aku Soku Zan, or other Shinsen Gumi teachings
6) ...does his Gatotsu move
7) ...saves someone's life
8) ...gets into his Gatotsu stance
9) ...says "Aku Soku Zan"
10) ...pretends to be Fujita Goro
11) ...makes it clear that he's only serving the Meiji government because it suits him
12) ...lights a cigarette, takes a drag, then drops it
13) ...tries to teach/protect Sano
14) ...uses his fists, belt, etc, instead of his sword
15) ...breaks his sword!

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