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Hello and welcome to the
Chinese Television Channel.

I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Please bookmark this site and
sign the guestbook during the visit.

This web site was created with a
sole purpose in mind:

For the fans of Hong Kong television,
particularly for those who can not
read or write Chinese.

I know personally how frustrating it
is to view a web site on the Internet
about an actor or show and the web
site is in another language and you
do not know how to read it.

This web site is not to replace the
existing sites by the TVB and ATV
companies. It is to provide information
about their tv shows which are not
accessible to other individuals.

In regards to my entire web site: All the
photos, videos, and audios are property of
the TVB and ATV companies. I do not own
any of the actors and I do not make any
profit whatsoever from this web site. This is
merely to provide information for the fans of
the Hong Kong television industry.

Other parts of the web site are completely mine.
One of these are my Ramblings which are my
collection of thoughts. Other parts that are
mine are the guestbook, feedback, links, reviews,
summaries, episode guides, and the HTML coding.

I hope everyone will appreciate this site. I am
not a whiz at web site creation so I am hoping
there are not too many errors in the coding.

Please alert me if there are problems accessing
my pages, any questions regarding my site, or
just to say "Hello".

I welcome any constructive criticism
and comments.

Constructive meaning don't contact me
just so you can flame my web site. If you must
criticize, please tell me ways I can improve
including examples, images, et cetera. It doesn't
help myself and other viewers if I don't know
what to improve upon.

As of this moment, I am not taking any requests,
mainly because I do not have much time to watch
and review every single tv series that was
released in Hong Kong. Whichever television series
envelope my interest that month, I will most
likely be posting up on the web site (not
necessarily recent either). Please do not
contact me for requests.

If you have a web site and would like to use anything
from my site, feel free to take anything just as long
as you add this site as a link somewhere on your site
as an acknowledgement. I will most appreciate it.

Please spread the word about C.TV.C.!

Find out what is new or what has been modified
since you were last here by going to the
News and Updates section at any time.

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