Chow Chow

Established over 2000 years ago, the Chow Chow is one of oldest recognized types of dogs. It's Chinese origine date back to the Han Dynasty , about 150 B.C., when it was used primarily as a hunting dog. Today the Chow Chow is a popular pet and guard dog, credited with great scenting powers, stamina and cleverness.

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This is a brand new ring, dedicated to the Chow Chow. Chows R-Us is open to all people who love Chows. There are of course a few rules. Your site must be dedicated , or about Chows. Breeders are also welcome to join. No profanity, or hate sites please. Save the ring logo and upload it to your own server. Make sure the url you give is the url you place your ring fragment on. Thats all there is to it. Have fun:)

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