Section 2: "War Clouds" (pages 250–253)


19. Why did the French Revolution (1789) take place?

It took place because:


20. How did Americans respond to the French Revolution?

At first, most Americans were in favor of the revolution because France had been our ally. However, when the revolution turned violent, Americans were divided in their opinion of whether or not to support France.


21. How did many European countries react to the French Revolution?

They sent armies to France to put down the revolutionaries. The European rulers were afraid revolutionary ideas would spread to their countries.



22. What was the Neutrality Proclamation (1793)?

France wanted to use American ports to supply their ships and attack British ships, but Washington didn’t want France to do this. He stated the USA would not support Britain or France in their war with each other.


23. What did Britain and France do in response to the Neutrality Proclamation?

They seized neutral American merchant ships heading for each other’s ports.


24. What was agreed to in the Jay’s Treaty?


25. In what way did white settlers offend Indians in the Northwest Territory?

They ignored treaties the United States had signed with Indian nations and took over Indian lands.


26. Why did Washington send Arthur St. Clair and his army to Ohio?

The Miami Indians had driven white settlers from the area.


27. Why did Blue Jacket gather the Native American forces at Fallen Timbers?

He thought that General Anthony Wayne would have a trouble fighting the Indians there due to land being covered with fallen trees.


28. Why had Washington made a wise decision in replacing St. Clair with Wayne?

St. Clair was defeated by the Indians, while Wayne was victorious against the Indians.


29. What were the terms of the Treaty of Greenville (1795)?

The Indians would give up southern Ohio in exchange for $20,000 and more if they kept the peace.


30. What were the two main ideas of Washington’s Farewell Address?