
Serves 4:

500 g lean mutton meat

100 g butter 

1 onion

1 clove of garlic 



1 bay leaf        

4 tablespoons green peas

1 kohlrabi (turnip cabbage)

2 tomatoes

2 red paprika

3 carrots

1 tablespoon tomato pulp

1 teaspoon tabascosauce

250 g semolina

preparation: Cut the meat in cubes, roast with half 

of the butter, chopped onion, fine chopped garlic. Season 

with salt and pepper. Fill up with water, add the bay leaf

and cook for 45 minutes. Add sliced kohlrabi, peas, sliced

paprika, sliced tomatoes and sliced carrots. Season this 

ragout with the tomato pulp and tabascosauce. Moisture 

semolina with 125 ml hot salt water and shape crumbs. Put

thess crumbs in a sieve and hang it in 

the pot with the ragout, but it must not touch the liquid.

Put a lid on top and cook for 60-70 minutes.          

Serve ragout and semolina separately.

recipe by Andreas Woehr

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